Who was the first Roman Emperor to greatly promote Christianity in Ancient Rome?
Correct answer: Constantine I

PurpleReign5716, Youre right. He was also responsible for changing the Sabbath (Friday sunset to Saturday sunset) to Sunday to worship the sun god. A pagan tradition.

Constantine wanted to expand his Empire. Constantly fighting with the Christians, so he took all of the pagan holidays and blended them so that the Christians would have the same holidays as the pagans. which was the first successful attempt at unifying his Empire. He at no time was ever considered a Christian!

It was a political move

Jose Jorge Cisneros
CatPowers57, exactly ,which is according to the Bible a wicked sin...He also was a part of the decision making in what was to be canonized as holy scriptures. Many sacred scriptures were excluded which again is another sin. He was more a founder of organized "religion" More than he was a Christian...
Glad to see you knew this about the true sabbath.

Dr. Ouss
He built a very beautiful town in my country Algeria in north Africa, that holds his name, Constantine (Kasantina in Arabic), and today it's the third biggest town and state in Algeria and the most beautiful one as it is built on two big stones. The statue of Constantine is found near the train station of the main city.

Player #2896791, not for worship they worshipped on the 7th day of the week the true sabbath. There is nothing in The Bible that says Sunday the first day of the week is holy. God blessed sanctified and made holy the 7th day of the week at creation and it has never changed, other than by man

IrrelevantCanary8537, there’s a lot more to it, one being how many exact copies of the text that have been found to prove its authenticity. The Bible stands the test of time and scrutiny. People who say otherwise have not really researched it and only repeat hearsay and propaganda.

Snakeman 75
Whose doing the maths here? If he lived between February 272 AD to May 337 AD that would make him 65 at death not 57🤔

Player #38563614
StrictIntrigue2, does Paul not say in Romans to not esteem one day over another? the important part is setting the day aside and actually treating it as the Sabbath

Player #21328354
a number of inaccuracies. Constantine was the first Byzantine Emporer, hence Constantinople. Most points are pure fantasy.

Constantine also convened the First Council of Nicae. Bishops from all over the world were summoned and their task was to decide on one agreed single Christian story. Many books of the bible were taken out and many pagan celebrations were co-opted to increase the amount of Christian followers.

Emperor Constantine I chose what books must incorporate in the Bible and he chose those ones that didn't cause troubles to Rome of course


I'm glad some people realize Constantine was also responsible for changing the Sabbath - one of the very worst violations and sins in the Bible; in many Biblical texts it's considered to be a greater sin than even murder. As another person also commented: it was all politics, at no time was Constantine l EVER a Christian.

The fact remains that GOD can use Anyone to do Anything that HE desires to do for HIS Own Purpose to accomplish HIS Will!!!

Player #120374466
PureHorizon421, Agree, Christmas, Easter, All Hallows Eve is just one the many blendings of pagan holidays with a tiny bit of Christian references

Snakeman 75, I didn't check it. Does it matter?

CatPowers57, wrong

Proud FenianMan
CatPowers57, The most common thread apparent in most of the posts following are nothing more than veiled and not so veiled swipes at Catholicism. One comment, supported by a positive reply, called "Jesus Christ" a " made up...fake God"
Extrapolating from a trivia question on Constantine, contributors below are showing the intolerance that contributes to extremism. As a practicing Catholic, I can attest to the fact that Catholicism is a true Christian Faith with Christ at the center of every celebration.

Jean Louise
The early Christian elders were "invited" to a meeting and told to merge or else.Bodies were found floating in rivers, etc.It was a coerced unification.Romans were made high priests.They gave up nothing even their perverted indecencies.

Constantine I was the evil, monstrous heretic who changed the true sabbath from Saturday to Sunday if you want to call that "promoting" Christianity - it was was to prove how "powerful" the Catholic Church was even then - don't believe me ?? Check it out for yourself !! Changing the Sabbath is a big no - no in the Bible and the Catholic Church is still proud of it to this day !!

CatPowers57, right!

Jose Jorge Cisneros, how to get these missing chapters,

Grant, the birth of Jesus was told as early as in the book of genesis but the change of what he died on came about from that dream Constantine had

Grant, it’s the reason for the cross image but not the reason for belief in Jesus Christ.

Upholding the sabbath was for the Israelites. Just like giving a tenth of earnings was for them as well as so many other outstanding ways of living or laws but Christ made it clear that he came to fulfill those laws! So a follower of Christ is not under those obligations but we are under the obligation to love all n to give from the heart.

Wasn’t Christianity formed with Christ? 🤔

FRACTAL DEATHSTORM, many religions have been founded since then so Islam is not the youngest, I’m not saying it right either, just that it’s not the youngest.

Trivia1967, thank you!!!! In fact He was the Passover Lamb which take the away the sins of the world.

Player nawa, true, but these so called Christian churches are not rightly dividing the word of truth (2 Timothy 2:15)

Smart, Pagans actually do celebrate Easter, they just don’t call it Easter (Ishtar) any more. Think about what bunnies and eggs represent ! “Easter” was celebrated by pagans before Christ was ever crucified and was a well established festival of life, rebirth, Spring and fertility…Acts 12:4 which occurred after the resurrection but shows us that Easter was practiced or celebrated (however you want to put it) by Romans during that time who were most definitely not Christians. Oh also, you’ve got to go to a King James Bible for that since the “editors” of the other, newer versions, have removed or changed that verse.

HaiLua, He most certainly didn’t make up the Lord Jesus Christ, the creator of the Universe, the Word of God, King of kings and Lord of lords (He has a bunch more titles, but I’ll just go with these for now).
Constantine also didn’t found the Catholic religion (that was done in ancient Babylon), what he did was give Christian terminology to pagan gods and beliefs and practices which are now a large part of the Roman Catholic Religion (which is most definitely not Christian, it actually could be called Marian). Having been Catholic the first 21 years of my life, I’m not attacking Catholics, just trying to give you the warning to “come out of her “-Revelation 18:4

CatPowers57, the New Testament tell us that the early church met on the first day of the week, (read the book of Acts)long before Constantine.

Verrry interesting!!

Hybrid Outre
Is that an ancient picture?

StrictIntrigue2, The Jews, who have been following through Sabbath since the beginning, starts resting on Friday sunset and ends on Sat sunset.

CatPowers57, yes indeed!

A.J December
I really love this game. I learn something new everyday.

CatPowers57, You are exactly right.

CatPowers57, Most..maybe all I'm not sure, of the Christian festivals are on the dates of Pagan festivals too.