What country was the first to use poison gas in World War I?
Correct answer: Germany
Jack Reacher
However the French were the first to use chemical weapons before the first world war.
Heartland Old Guy
I don't know... I believe that if you take a close look at history and WHY wars happen you will find that most happen because of one people's land was infringed upon by another people, as a kingdom, state, or village had coveted the land another had. Granted there were some that could be attributed to religious beliefs, but power and politics really are the underlying causes. There was no religious reason for WW I or II, the American Revolution or American Civil War, Korea, or Vietnam, thy were fought over political differences.
Player #2044293
We are still fighting each other today, the war still continues. They are little civil war's now. Why can't we all just get along with others.
Hitler also fought i. ww1 even tho he was just a lower enlisted soldier at the time ww1 was the starting fuel for the inferno of hate he eventually mustered
time is rapidly approaching when all wars will stop,the KING is coming.
thank God it's difficult to control the wind, otherwise they'd have used them much more than they did
so sad so sad
Player #24358685
Heartland Old Guy, usually wars in the name of religion are waged by the most irreligious of people.
Player #32318876
Still have my great grandfather's medals from WW1, he was scottish, and the Scots soldiers wore kilts, the Germans called them "The Ladies from Hell".
Player #147455747
History means that happened in the past.
Gave is the past tence.
Player #2044293, Hi: Why? An excellent question.
i am a college student getting ready ti be a history teacher and funny thing i was just learning about that
my topic in school was world war 2 thats how I know the answer
Who else but the painter?
big sister
why do Germany need gas mask?
they gave everyone lovey fresh air what kind hearted people they were
Those poor people. It's devastating and sad
Scuba Steve
Because it's in our nature to destroy each other.
Scuba Steve
Heartland Old Guy, well said and all for what! Power?
Mariana Pinheiro de oliv
Gustavo Lima e
Mariana Pinheiro de oliv
vergonha do gustavo lima
Mariana Pinheiro de oliv
Mariana Pinheiro de oliveira
How can I get on a more difficult level?
FreezingAcolyte89399, actually,poisonous material has been around forever, just used different methods, Water sources have been poisoned by the enemy and killed people’, poison on Spears and arrows, etc , and poison in foods, the list goes on, really bad too,sa
Red Baron
FreezingAcolyte89399, ps,..what about Hiroshima????
It was easy to guess by the letters together
ð by
Jack Reacher, so German's not the first one to use chemical?
Jack Reacher, so it not German?
Puma Girl
Heartland Old Guy, I can believe that.
Puma Girl
FreezingAcolyte89399, very sick and diabolical. It was sad 😢😭 and senseless.
Good knowledge 😉
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FreezingAcolyte89399, realll
Player #143889029
hello ☺️
My favorite country 😍
9 MILLION fatalities!! 9 MILLION!!
Heartland Old Guy, what has that got to do with the question
PerniciousTroll20169, AMEN N AMEN.
Even so come LORD JESUS