Which festival was held at Max Yasgur's dairy farm during three days in 1969?
Correct answer: Woodstock Festival

Well, I came upon a child of God
He was walking along the road
And I asked him, Tell me, where are you going
This he told me
Said, I'm going down to Yasgur's Farm
Gonna join in a rock and roll band
Got to get back to the land and set my soul free

Player #580977
great I was there


I was 12 my came over and said we gotta go
I didn't
my dad would have killed me!
lol looking back I wish I would have gone

Being born in 1974 I never got to go but falling in love with the music, culture, and being a tree hugger since a young age plus the benefit of being a river guide in a beautiful place paved way to the closest thing I could get to at my age to some semblance of what it was like I did get to go to lots of Dead shows all over and even got to see Traffic open for them but I will always be jealous of all of you guys that got to go there and were apart of that generation. Life was so much simpler and the music rejuvenated your soul and please guys be sure to pass those memories down as there are always people like me that love hearing them!

Woodstock documentary is playing in the background as I answered this question. That was cool.

Joe Cocker and Carlos Santana, Jimi Hendricks best performances ever.

Player #3906185
BADSANTA0059, I was 16 I begged my dad to go to Woodstock. I even told him that he could make it a family vacation. Just drop me off and the siblings who wanted to come with. Then he and mom and my baby sister could go glamping in the Holiday Hotel and come back afterwards to pick us up. I was willing to take him with me for the time of his life and mine .No dice Dad refused based on the drugs he knew would be there!. Dad passed 2 years later and I still wish we had gotten to go together.

tywaaa420, better than shooting fentanyl-laden heroin smuggled in from China and smoking $300 vapes (or whatever is in including medically-approved marijuana and cigarettes and anything you want to) and dropping dead on accident after spending quadruple the money in today's world for a society that steps over you it's way to the next computerized, brain-numbing experienced that leaves us empty and never finding what will satisfy us.

Player #580977, I was there my sister has a picture of her and Janis Joplin

I wish I could have gone. Born in 62 ....but LOVE all the music 🎶

But it looks like the farmer made out Awesomely!! $10,000 in today's money would be like $100, 000 or more!!

My brother was about 7 yrs old, and I wasn't even born yet! But I'm sure that my mother was in control and she was very much a Christian lady, so I'm sure she vetoed any idea of going there in that crowded bunch of people.

Pivotal moment in American history and music.

Suehasaclue, yes

Aristocat69, shows the sinfulness of mankĺnd

Player #145277653
NimbleCavalier81232, Yessah!!

Player #142923944
Zena, I had an 8-month old son so my mind was elsewhere.

I had my mom's T-shirt from Woodstock until a few years ago. It even still had a mud spot on it from when it rained there. It was a great souvenir!! 😀

Excellent place to be. So controlled back then.

My parents don’t let me go.

Rodney Charles
I was three years old then once I got older hear something about it good and bad

flowers in my hair and bells on my toes

I've never been to a Woodstock concert

I was married with a 2 yr old and a 6 month older. Too busy to even know about Woodstock. But it doesn't sound like my kind of lifestyle. Drugs, nudity, open sex, drinking, etc.

Player #130257916
FlowerPower67, Woodstock II was Summer 1994.

Player #130257916
whiteleesa51, Did you run around naked and have open sex?

Player #130257916
FuriousColonel5067, Sounds like something Bob Dylan would sing.

Stef, 4 yrs later had 2nd 1993 Aug 14

Stef, born in '74 had 1st child 1989 Aug 15

Player #129701187
MISS EVANS, and oh by the way there is a game being played here amongst the Q & A times

Player #129542695
NimbleCavalier81232, sure was

LoopyLynda74, I remember the band Traffic are you from the Bay Area cuz I think they are I would love to talk to you if you are I'm 64 years old and I am an Old Hippie in my heart and I forever will be you need to join a group that I'm in

LoopyLynda74, I was born and raised in San Francisco in the '80s we had what was called the US Festival it was in San Bernardino California it was a three day kind of like a Woodstock deal and I have to tell you it really was people were dancing around we were naked it was a pond and a lake whatever the heck it was we had so much fun I don't even remember how we ate I remember he slept but it was the best ever

Almost got it wrong!

FuriousColonel5067, we are stardust, we are golden, we are billion year old carbon…and we’ve got to get ourselves back to the garden

LoopyLynda74, I was born In 62. I wish I was born a decade earlier

FuriousColonel5067, We are stardust, we are golden...

peg. we are stardust, we are golden

Liked what you wrote FuriousColonel5067