What Roman numerals are equal to 2016?
Correct answer: MMXVI

Imagine math with Roman numerals.
No. Don't.

not sure why they didn't state that L is 50, C is 100, and D is 500...

Player #2468369
Aurelius180, I once tried to amuse myself by doing long division using Roman numerals. Don’t try it unless you are REALLY bored!

Player kritehsa
easy peasy

got it right so easy if u learnt this in school yo

Player #2323804
I remember my mum teaching me Roman numerals when I was 5 years old

its quite confusing when it comes to the C's & D's.

Player #2175440
thanks for the info on how the system works,

Player #1987408
This is good stuff. NFL use Roman numbers for Super Bowl games til this day. So you should know to read it.

also L is 50 and D is 500

A few years when I now heard about it and I knew that's wrong and anyways I got it right

I loved learning about Roman Numer

Spifariffic, you're right and M is 1,000

We all learned Roman numerals in grammar school.

Player Allans, as far as I know the 3 things you said are wrong
It is true that they had no symbol for zero but most cultures before the XV century did not use (or need) the zero. The reason is that if you sustract 5 from 5, you get nothing and there was no real use for that in most cases back then. Life back then was harsh and shorter than now, the romans as many other cultures tried to maximise the utility of things, so nobody would divide between zero because it had no application in their life, theh did not have the technology that we have now. They did not need the zero because it was useless to them
The romans did not invent this system, it was rather adopted probably from the etruscans. This system allowed them to count to Around 4998 but not higher. The romans had a way to count further, though it was seldom used as for them counting above 4998 had no use in life.
The fact that the romans said "a multitude" after 3000 is a sensible thing. We, humans, really struggle we things we haven't experience and cannot experience, such as living like a roman. The number 4998 was enough for most romans but let's remember one thing and that is that written form is different from speech. They were able to say 5000 in words, they didn't say numbers letter by letter because that would have took way longer than needed. It is not that theie brains could not compute large numbers, they had the same brain than us after all, it is just that they seldom wrote it down or spoke in specific

WickedDinosaur28889, C is centum, as in century, percent or a hundredth of a euro.
D apparently started out as V with a C on edge above it (v multiplied by c) and gradually it shifted to look more like a Ð and eventually D. I just read that and now it makes a load more sense to me

I totally agree with you Aurelius180.

Anna, love your name! 😉

I hate roman numerals

I is 1 and II is 2

Fifi beautiful
i know roman numerals

Lady Anna
Lionessa, it's not to much for the teachers. Roman numerals aren't on the state mandated tests.

Lady Anna
YouGotBakingSoda, it was the same here in the U.S., but they quit doing it and use Arabic numbers instead.

Spifariffic, they do with algebra I suppose

Spifariffic, they did.almost at the end.

Player #121204467
Aurelius180, we must be grateful to arabs best invention.

Elsy, Used to be that way in the USA, too. Back when school was about education, and not indoctrination.

Player Allans, Nothing in their world required larger numbers. It wasn't that they couldn't think, they had no need to think in huge numbers.

I was taught Roman numerals in one day in third grade. I can't believe this simple concept is too much for today's teachers, yet this is just another mystery to most Americans today.

I hate Roman numerals

Mars V
rcc, 0. Duh!

maths terrify me. I have run out of maths classes crying. numbers move when I look at them, even when looking at them I copy them down in the wrong order. if this is a condition what is it called. can someone tell me?

Bath Yah
Aurelius180, lol. Ikr smh. But not just math, the "new" math that's taught in schools today. lemme see ya make a word problem outta that lol😂🤣😂

My primary school teacher got back at me for saying Roman numerals are useless to learn 😔😭

In my country you start learning Roman numeral in third grade, when you finish grammar school you really know how to use it.

James, January 25, 1975

My parents had an old self wind clock in our dining room with large Roman numerals so I got use to the lettering.

I didn't touch it. I was only trying to scroll

Spifariffic, I agree it would be much simpler

I never understood those symbols. 😅😃