Who was the first U.S. President to make a public appearance in a car?
Correct answer: Theodore Roosevelt

Teddy, started the National Park service, set aside a lot of public land. Respect. He did not have Polio Come on people do better

Nolan Void
FriedKatana78451, Franklin had polio not Teddy

SmartyPants, Roosevelt was a great man and I'll always respect him for setting up the National Park Service

Player #1660146
lisamc6966, wrong roosevelt.

SmartyPants, Did you know...that the name Teddy Bear was coined after him? It came about when he started the National Park Service and in appreciation some men drugged a bear and tied it up and invited him to shoot it. He refused...

His cousin, FDR (the president) had polio & was in a wheelchair

Player #5602826
Teddy sounded like an educated bet so I picked him.

Player #46965921
Teddy had asthma when he was a boy. His father made him smoke cigars. Both his Mother and his Wife died on the same night. That's when he decided to head west to Montana and the Dakotas to live. Started a ranch and did a lot of hunting.

Player #28049920
I knew he helped develop the Appalachian Trail.

Interestingly enough, it was an electric car.

SmartyPants, what does that have to do with the price of eggs in China?

Pamela 1069
SmartyPants, Roosevelt declared the grand canyon a national monument at the time it would have taken an act of Congress to make it a state park

Franklin Roosevelt had polio.

SmartyPants, What "people" said he did? FDR had the polio 🤓😎✌🏻

Joyous one
SmartyPants, I believe it was Woodrow Wilson not Roosevelt.

It’s The Dragon
For once, the picture doesn’t give away the answer!

Looked this up on Library of Congress site; TR was the first to make a public appearance by car. The first to ride in a car was William McKinley.

I said Theodore Roosevelt because it just sounds like something he would do

Player #21677685
y so many questions about him?? no one knows

Nice photo of bathouse Barry and big mike.

Player #1952
SunnyGirl☀, takes one to know one.

Player #goldenbran
SmartyPants, I didn't see a word about polio

SmartyPants, Please folks. with due respect, T.R. as he preferred to be called absolutely hated to be called "Teddy".

Apparently his daughter Alice was a holy terror as a driver.

Looked this up. And it gave me the right answer. that wasn't on this particular question that was being asked. which have the wrong answer.

Player #1660146, I've seen pictures of Taft in one

he was Teddy...