What type of mammals lays eggs?

Correct answer: Monotremes

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What people think about it: 19 Comments
Player #1907277
Player #1907277
they are also very shy so it's rare to see one in the wild as well as in captivity.
Dianna Bella74
Dianna Bella74
Or-ni-tho-rhyn-chus is the species name for the platypus. I learnt that by the time I was about 5 maybe 6. Owe mother taught us a way to remember spelling of very large words. Like a rymming type of Idea. Try it yourself with a big word. It's Amazing how if you sought of sing a word out instead of just spelling it out it just sticks in your head. Unfortunately this word is about the only one I can actually remember. lol.
I know these animals lay eggs but didn't know what their scientific name was.
Player Tash1212
Player Tash1212
Ooh yeh. I work with Platypuses and many other native Qld species. I Hoping we have Echidnas soon. And the plural is Platypuses not Platypii as some people think
Player #8090092
Player #8090092
in addition to laying eggs, they 'sweat' milk. Thus the Platypus is the only animal capable of making its own custard.
Player.    Ty
Player. Ty
FYI:::A Platypus is venomous on there rear legs they have like 2 spikes which deliver the poison. It can be fatal.💀
Player #10098774
Player #10098774
Player #1907277, I live in a town in South Western Victoria, Australia. And down by the creek there has always lived a family of platypuses. I had the pleasure of sitting and watching them as a young child.
Player #25874027
Player #25874027
Dianna Bella74, Whilst I’m not in the grammar police there is an irony with you commenting about ways to remember spellings and you then misspell rhyming and sort of
Player Tash1212
Player Tash1212
Player #7625955, Yea. In Tassie and Snowy Mountains In summer. My mum has wild ones in her creek in Tas wilderness. But the Tigers are taking over lol
Player Tash1212, What tigers?
Player. Ty, Not fatal to humans. only very painful!
Player #38618593
Player #38618593
Player Tash1212, Mr. Rogers knew that.
Player #38618593
Player #38618593
Dianna Bella74, So that didn't work?
nice I never new this
Jose Caño
Jose Caño
I know about platypus but about monotremes only now. Thanks for the trivia.
Player #18829268
Player #18829268
Player. Ty, Didn’t know that. Thanks
Player Tash1212
Player Tash1212
Dianna Bella74, Yes that’s their scientific name. Good for you
Dianna Bella74, I agree and thank you i always wondered how to pronounce that word. l guess I could have googled it
Other mammals known to have laid eggs are Borscht Belt comics.