What is the largest cat in the world?
Correct answer: Siberian tiger

not all tigers are orange, striped with black. I saw a white Bengal tiger once. It was so beautiful!

Ligers do not occur in nature because lions and tigers don't share land anywhere in the world. They don't meet each other in the wild.

Jenn Natalia , Ligers are not found in nature , they are produced.

Tigers, the most beautiful of the big cats

Kiki , China has pretty much driven Siberian tigers to extinction in the wild with their never-ending demands for gall bladders and other animal parts. Right now, they are busy driving elephants to extinction with their incessant demand for ivory. If you care about animals, China is not a country you should support.

Most tigers have over one hundred stripes, and their stripes are as individual as human fingerprints.

panthera tigris tigris is the royal bengal tiger while the Siberian tiger which is the largest sub species of tiger is actually named panthera tigris altaica

arohanui, White tigers are do to human breeding especially in Bengals

Lionessa, tigrons neither I would assume

Tigers are GREAT !

I wonder what it would be like to see one in North Korea! Our reign as humans should take a different approach to our earth and all of its creatures and wildlife. it is time to stop feeling entitled!

Giggle Pig
Lionessa, if only I could get Amazon to tell us what country these products are coming from; I would never intentionally buy another Chinese product.

The Siberian Tiger 🐅 is very rare with a population of 1,000 in the wild. We can find Siberian Tigers only in Siberia, Russia 🇷🇺 and even Harbin, China 🇨🇳.
However, my favourite subspecies of tiger is Bengal Tiger since the Tiger 🐅 is one of my favourite wild animals.

Asiatic Lions do share a range with Tigers around the Gir National Park in India although there are no known current hybrids. Historical records do suggest hybrids in the past when both Asiatic Lions and Tigers were both more numerous and had larger ranges

Darth Ra
Lionessa, what is a liger?

Lionessa, I agree with you to a certain extent. However the mention of a country as a whole encompasses every one and every thing inside it which is not right; that’s where the stereotypes start and eventually end up in an unnecessary war. Every single country one or another way has skeletons in their closet. And we, as conscious humans should work together to fix our differences before we destroy ourselves

Artie, elaborate,

I attended college for four years across the street from the largest and finest zoo on earth, so, obviously, I visited almost every day and helped feed and care for many animals. Obviously not the big cats, but I certainly knew a great deal about them and virtually all the other animals

I love Lions, Cheetahs, Panthers, and Siberian Tigers and I love China it is my Favorite Country because it is pretty over there and I really want to visit there and Those Big Cats are some of my favorite animals

Sometimes your questions are ambiguous!! You asked for a chemical compound and I said H2O and you named a chemical element!!

Player #120766518
Player #22506154, what about zebras?

Abu bakar
The Siberian tiger is a beautiful cat.

Player #22506154, zebras also share this

Player #22506154
Player #25874027, A tiger’s skin is orange with black stripes. I believe that it is the only stripped animal that has corresponding stripped skin. Cool.

Player #25874027
Tigers do not have orange fur with black stripes, tigers have orange SKIN with black stripes.