When did Micheal Jackson die?
Correct answer: 2009

Farrah Fawcett one of the angels on the hit series Charlie's Angels of the 70s also died that same day but unfortunately didn't receive all the love 💔 MJ received. RIP both of them 🙏

He was one of the best. I give him credit the way he jammed. May he rest in peace 😎.

I remember I had my ticket for that show at the 02 Arena in London for Michael’s big ‘This Is It’s concert!
It was such bad news😓 R.I.P Michael❗️

RushMama2112, We're sorry for ur loss. I know how devastating it can be to lose a mom. RIP to both our moms. Hopefully, they're both in God's memory, and He'll resurrect them in His due time. Just remember: John 5:28. That scripture brings me some comfort.

Player #146489328
Interesting information but there's a typo in the question. It's Michael, not Micheal

He was a great singer but the way he passed was sad, as with Prince , Elvis and many others .. prescription drugs should be watched more closely and should be signed off by 2 doctors rather than one..

team edward cullen
he was called the king of pop

Rest in peace Michael.

BTW it's Michael not Micheal

easy q

Marcy, nope MJ didn't invent the moonwalk dance. it was 1st preformed in1955 by Bill Bailey

He died the same year as my Mom, 5 months prior. I'll never forget that date.

mukesh sharma.mahakall.b
Michael Jackson is superstar singer is.good.life

Marcy, He was taught by Jeffrey Daniels of the TV show Soul Train. Most of these entertainers don't know street dances as they are famous and don't live in urban communities. Paula Abdul taught Janet Jackson as well as other dancers. But when taught they do well.

Michael Jackson invents the moon walk dance

Lady butterfly
I wonder what wonderful new music of his we will never hear

Player #24773265
We miss you MJ

Player #53553731, That's disputable... just saying