Who is this?
Correct answer: Chuck Norris

Player #517105
I heard something funny it is said when the boogie man goes to sleep he looks under the bed for Chuck Norris!

Chuck was bit by a rattle snake once. After 5 long days of pain and suffering, the snake finnaly died.

Chuck Norris doesn’t read books. He stares them down until they give up the information.

Riley85 :-)
Guns carry chuck Norris for protection

Chuck Norris died 25 years ago. But Death's still working up the courage to tell him

Riley85 :-)
Chuck Norris killed two stones with one bird....

Riley85 :-)
Death once had a near chuck experience...

If you Google, "Where is Chuck Norris?" the results tell you the you don't find Chuck Norris, Chuck Norris finds you.

Player #517105, Chuck.Norris is a nice guy, very down-to-earth. He was in one of my acting classes, and didn't have chip on his shoulder.

Riley85 :-)
The flu has to get chuck Norris vaccines every year

Have only recently discovered Texas Ranger - well worth watching- good team camaraderie is a key feature, plus the action scenes, goes without saying

gugz, looks like graham potter to me

Nerak 7
I met him at his book signing. Nice person, shorter than I thought .. down to earth…

He had the honor to share a film with the great Bruce Lee

Chuck famously told Darth Vader, "I'M YOUR FATHER!"

Biggus Dikkus
The G spot got lost and Chuck Norris have it directions

I reached this question only to find out that Chuck Norris has already answered it ..

JR. Gee, Enter the Dragon!
Bruce Lee and Chuck Norris fight to the death!
Chuck Norris used to be a student of Bruce Lee, until they had a dispute about martial arts!
After he stopped studying under Bruce Lee, he created his own style of karate!
I never heard whether the two ever made up as friends again!

Chuck Norris went to a McDonald's and ordered a Whopper and he got one

chuck is one of my favorite actors and great human beings as well

Remembered him from Dodgeball

You guys are full of jokes. So funny.

Squinty7, Ha ha ha ha ha

Smokeydaj, Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

Lone Wolf McQuade, Silent Rage, Code of Silence, Good Guys Wear Black, Invasion USA and An Eye For An Eye are some of the best movies of Chuck Norris. I love the series Walker: Texas Ranger.

Miraculous KDAWOLF
Chuck Norris doesn’t shed tears…
Tears shed mini Chuck Norrises
lol!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂

Miraculous KDAWOLF
All these comments are going to make me have a hernia. lol. These are so funny!!! Thank you guys!! You just made my day!!

j Bird
he also does a lot of work with special needs children. All around good guy

Love the comments 🤣

my favorite childhood actor

Alonse shijan
Smokeydaj, bro did I ask (lol jk)

Player #107329121
Ariesman , loved the octagon movie.

the one little one is a 9 in knowledge 5 8 you will be far ahead of time to get 2nd of the restaurant

Chuck Norris once tore a page out of Facebook

Quizzoneer FfF
Chewbacca shaved partially....😂

Player #517105, Chuck Norris is divideable with zero.

looks like graham potter to me

chuck norris was born in the house build by himself

chuck norris sleeps with the pillow under the gun

I wish Chuck Norris would meet putin, and after this, putin would be never found.