Who is this?
Correct answer: Winona Ryder

What a pretty face, I am so happy to see her working again on "Stranger Things."

Wasn't she arrested for shoplifting? However in her defence, like her character in girl interrupted, she does suffer from depression and possibly serious mental health issues.

penawareof, and Beetlejuice!!!

Liked her in"Girl, Interrupted", "Edward Scissorhands", and "Lost Souls".

it was said she did that because her career was in a slump, she was depressed, and though she could afford the items, the rush of the crime is what hooked her to it

Player #15356356
i loved her in Beatlejuice.

Player #1065361, you need to watch stranger things she did a great job

funny I read all ya comments n yes they r of yor opinions but hey we wouldn't have choice movies to watch without her n many others so cut looking for the neg n people we all have bad points n regrets don't u

Player #543797
Damn, she does resemble Elijah.

pixieish, She was amazing in Girl Interrupted... a great actress!!

team edward cullen
she was my favorite in Bram stokers Dracula

Hunger Knowledge
pixieish, yeah, that was then ,this is now she's in the new Beetlejuice movie, Hope she's good 👍

Player #11653451
I almost picked Elijah Woods!

I always wondered why all these Hollywood hunks fell for her. What’s her mystery?

Player #51029193
Greg Martin, how about mars attack ks

welcome home, roxy carmichael

Winona rider is a very good actress and was great in little women. she was a very 9ndependent feisty jo. she does look alone like Keira knightly. I hope she does more movies.actually I think her character was based on the author.

Player #38618593
Recognized the ears. Fortunately, they don't spoil her perfectly proportioned face. Lovely.

winona ryder looks like natalie portman and keira knightley! 3 out of 7 right here

marccrand, I agree- she played Jo exactly as how I pictured her in the book, which I read as a child and as an adult. Fine actress.

one of the very best actress ever ❤

A Child of God 🙏
pixieish, She was raised by hippies. WR had been boosting since she was a kid.

She is a very good actor, love her in Mermaids with Cher and very talented too

Y’all wrong for that🤭😅

Player #31908636
Shmicheals, not a reason to shoplift

Can't believe no one has mentioned Little Women, she was the definitive Jo!

Player #13023389
She's a bomb actress, anything she does is SUPERB! Debby

Teslasgirl66, funny.. she looks a bit like Millie Bobby Brown

I just saw today "lil mermaids", with Cher an that was a good movie she was in also.

She looks a lot like Elija Wood.

GI Joe
Teslasgirl66, I'm a sucker for girls with big eyes like hers.

Greg Martin
Bram Stokers Dracula, Girl Interrupted, Beetlejuice. Really, no mention of these ???

hand to god... I almost hit Elijah Wood. man they look a lot alike.

Player #20530899
Player #15356I 356,

Stranger Things

Player #15356356
pixieish, yes. she did have a bad prescription drug habit. she did overcome that though.

Eliot Garcia
I agree.

thank you for the sound of worst picture

She was also very good in How To Make An American Quilt.