Which American president said, "The beauty of me is that I am very rich"?

Correct answer: Donald Trump

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What people think about it: 25 Comments
Hopefully a rich inmate someday soon.
Of course it was him. Ugly all over 🤮
Karen 7
Karen 7
Any one in politics is rich . My hope is that new people are picked for both parties. So much between the two parties ..
C's Dad, He's a self-serving narcissist and he'd sell the United States if he thought it would benefit him.
Player Candyman928, the worst lier ever., I can't see way people can't see though him.
Giggle pig
Giggle pig
HaiLua, I would like someone to actually detail what, precisely they don’t like about him, instead of Orange man bad.
Player Candyman928
Player Candyman928
YSL, I could not agree with you more. By far, the most divisive president to date.
sassy, you might be sassy but not very smart
Player #107899066
Player #107899066
America spoke against the rhetoric displayed in all the comments here with the majority of college electorate votes and the popular vote in 20 years. One can find all the things that make America Great if one seeks them outside of the mainstream media who always tainted him. Thomas Jefferson said “If we are to guard against ignorance and remain free, it is the responsibility of every American to be informed. “ Does it not alarm anybody when we see political opponents shot at?
Player #143823062
Player #143823062
and !let's not even get into taking classified documents that NO were not his. And then refusing to return them and then telling his globe that his hite
Player #143823062
Player #143823062
this is the first time I felt a need to respond. But here we are. We know why he was electrd. God help us all
Player #143823062
Player #143823062
anyone before his own self interests. zv
Player #143823062
Player #143823062
Do you not notice that it is never his fault? NEVER. It's always one of his "best" people. He has never out many
Player #143823062
Player #143823062
he filed MULTIPLE bankruptcies and has been found guilty in two separate trials. The bigger question is why is he always the victim? Why is be always !literally whining how u fair life is to him! And
Player #143823062
Player #143823062
the problem with orange man bad is that HE HAS committed crimes. He is an awful man. He was handed millions of dollars from his father and lost it all. He has filed
Duchess, everything you said was mainstream media lies. the elites hate him because he will expose their EVIL! when you find out the truth about the CHILDREN you will be glad My President exposed them!
but yet 77 million voted for him. must not be that bad.
I do hope he goes to Prison. The worst President this Country has had
How many do you know that are rich and beautiful without Money.. there are millions
Giggle pig, what has he done for our country? How did he make America great again? Why do his followers make excuses for him and see him as a victim when he’s been caught in the act many times. I don’t get it? What has America become?
Giggle pig, his lies, disrespect for anyone & everyone that disagrees with him. his doubletalking, trying to please everyone, until the election is over. his raping women & young girls. theft of federal classified documents manipulation to serve himself. not honoring the pledge to defend America from all enemies both foreign & domestic, pretending he could ever be the Commander in Chief for the U.S. Millitary which he calls losers need I go on?
Violet, He did. They will be in in 2026 to collect.
Violet, I thought I was the only one who noticed
Giggle pig
Giggle pig
Karen 7, I would like to see a long pass that no one can run for office that is worth more than say, $2 million dollars.
DT is better than any of his haters. Anyone who's not for MAGA shouldn't be living in the USA. In fact many of you have said you'd leave if DT won, but never did. Instead you are here to blame him for everything that's bad caused by communist loving liberals.