The acclaimed novel "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" was set in a U.S. psychiatric hospital. In which state?
Correct answer: Oregon

Player #4748255, I heartily recommend it very good Jack Nicholson was excellent

Player Ejag
My all-time favorite movie! Many interesting actors in minor roles too. Danny DeVito and Christopher Lloyd were especially good. And Will Samson, the native american—excellent!

Some of the extras in the movie were actually mental patients!

I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy

great book!

Can't count the number if times we've referenced Nurse Ratchet in my family, lol. Great movie.

mimi53, - I agree. Many would say Nicholson's best performance. I think the movie Goin' South was his best or A Few Good Men.

The movie was incredible, especially Nicholson and Fletcher.

Nurse Ratchet!

In high school I chose this book for a report from a list of other novels. I chose it because I had heard the movie was a fairly accurate adaptation. Before I was going to watch the movie I thought I'd try to read the first chapter, at least. I read it cover to cover. It's a great book. It may be the only book that I've read multiple times...and I still haven't seen the movie. It's been over 30 years.

Victoria, Mine, too!

Player Ejag, I agree! I loved Chief. Really great movie.

daddish, Don't deprive yourself any longer.

Enola, I work at the hospital and live in Salem!

Player #46964422, He worked at the Oregon State Mental Hospital. Part of the original building can be seen the movie AND the superintendent at the had a cameo. There is a museum at the hospital that has an exhibit.

toothless beachrat
I read the book first in 1975, then watched the movie. Like many other instances I seem to like the movie better than the book.

Sometimes a Great Notion is another great movie based on a novel of the same name by Ken Kesey. It starred Paul Newman, Henry Fonda, and Lee Remick.
While living in California, Kesey hosted a group who became known as the ‘Merry Pranksters’.

Yea. It was filmed in The Oregon State Hospital, in Salem where I live. My sister worked at The Black Angus. Jack Nicholsen came in one night wearing jeans and was denied entrance bc of their dress code. He was ticked. It was quite the buzz during filming.

I liked this movie but nurse Ratchet made me so angry! I wanted to hurt her. Louise Fletcher was amazing in this movie great work

on top of the world ma.

mimi53, one of my favorite old movies,,Chief’s my favorite character ,

I am here till like this

LittleTragedy7, Louise Fletcher. Scariest nurse in history.

Brandi, ASAP!!

Player #8680255, Probably because it was based on fact. Hopefully treatments are better now. 🙏

LittleTragedy7, Louise fletcher

ChampionNymph37634, Chinatown

Player #46964422
Ken Kesey actually worked as an orderly in a psychiatric hospital while he wrote the novel, between his experiences and a few hallucinogens he wrote a helluva good story

daddish, awww, it's definitely one where the movie won't disappoint. like to kill a mockingbird; sure, it leaves a lot out that was in the book, but it's a great film nonetheless and a good adaptation. really don't think you'll be disappointed if you give it a watch! might make you see some new insights into characters, too.

Player #30279671
what professional baseball game did they go to

The water fountain that Chief threw the window is still on display at the hospital

Player #29793410
mmmm, Juicy Fruit

Player #8680255
That movie was scarier than any horror movie I've ever seen

Player #30724377
vikked, wow! 👎

Player #13023389
I loved the movie and will probably watch it again. Debby

ChampionNymph37634, Hola Senor Moon que tas?

Diver Dan, "Oh Yeah?!!!" ;)

My favorite all time movie!

Player #13726196
Sunflower, you're in for a real treat!