In US law enforcement agencies, what do the initials SWAT stand for?
Correct answer: Special Weapons And Tactics

I My Humble 40 Years In Law Enforcement I Was Privilege To Serve In S.W..A.T. May GOD Truly Bless Those That Serve.

My former neighbor had a SWAT team trying to arrest him when he was holding his family hostage. They lost him when he got away and hid in a neighbor's yard. I moved out of the neighborhood the next day.

There was a TV series in the '70s that was the original incarnation named SWAT.
Colin Farrell was in the big screen movie in 2003.
Shamar Moore is on the TV reboot that is currently on air.

Player #2975280
love this show that's how I knew the answer

Player Raving Lu
Player #5602826, I think the incorrect answers were intentionally humorous.

the other answers are funny

Player #5602826
ugh... the other 3 options so blatantly wrong that it's hard to believe anybody didn't get this 1.

Heck Yeah!
Great question!

Great organization that helps in serious situations

You definitely don’t want to mess with a swat team so I suggest you behave well .

they're the swat, we're the fly.

It is so easy to take brave and dedicated people who protect us for granted. Questions and explanations like this one remind us to thank those who put their lives on the line to keep us safe.

Cat Mom
I love the TV show & try to watch it every week but since it comes on at midnight on Sun night I can't always stay up :( ! The guy that plays the leader, Lamar something, is one beautiful specimen of a man!

DoubleEagle707, thank you for your service My Dad did 20 yrs before that and a 1st Division Marine WWII

Player #89643615
LadyOrion, Good for you.

A not so known fact of HOW n why this unit was enacted is there was a Texas sniper who held a host of college students and citizens in Horror for over 8 hours of madness. At the time there were no cell phones it was 1960!! A couple of University Security personnel brave n courageous men risked their lives after viciously shooting of over 8 subdued the sniper even though they were wounded! Look it up!

DoubleEagle707 ..
Thank you for your service. And may God continue to Bless you and your family !!! .

DoubleEagle707, Thank you for 5Serv

Chico Wife
LadyOrion, don't blame you

Zakiyyah Ameerah Mateen
Love this game and I love this great organization

Player #51198838
DoubleEagle707 they chose it

wabe, I agree... yet there were still some people who chose them!!!

Loc Cle
There was a series called SWAT in the 70's. It was headlined by Steve Forrest. The 2003 series was a remake. Incidentally, the first real SWAT chief was AA, in California.

DoubleEagle707, I’m 21 years LEO, congratulations on making it to retirement!!♥️

Player #33758271
Samuel L Jackson was also in Swat

Philly Jawn
Player #2095565. I l, The 1st swat team was called "Stakeout" the granny squad 1964 in Philadelphia. they were put together for bank robberies undercover dressed as ladies. Later that year LAPD came out with their version and called it swat. it was based off Philadelphia "Stakeout"

Player #1531638
DoubleEagle707, 100%❤

Player #16292677
Deadpool1513, I so love that they are kind enough to give us these lovely hints from time to time. If you are not being challenged, you could get on Jeopardy or find a more difficult internet game.

Player #19472386
Kind of like Seal Teams- highly trained in many specialties.

Player #20140387
The abbreviation words sometimes are pretty much confused. But it is widely used in our daily life currently.

Player #20140387
LadyOrion, u r lucky to not be hurt by ur neighbor.

Player Raving Lu
UnsparingHawk101, A modernization of the theme for the original series is used in the movies and the reboot TV series.

Player #16788322
medcop2001, how old are you you must be like 60

huh, I never knew that but know I do

Deadpool1513, I hope you know that you can change your difficulty.

Player #13998164
so after a while then GT veg they'd just give buddy Greg FD for a few days ago

Player #13998164
hello Beautiful FD CV is GVC GB is the FD GVC I'll I I omg

Player #13998164
the signs saying she is Heng badge before offer have badge FD due higher they and big fan FD