What is a Polliwog?
Correct answer: A baby frog or toad

we call them tadpoles here in the UK, never heard of Polliwog

As a child, we used to take some frog eggs home from the pond in some water and watch as the eggs grew, hatched, and went through the growth stages. Once the tail was gone, the frogs would be returned and more eggs brought home. fun to watch!

toothless beachrat
There is a park in my hometown of Manhattan Beach,CA, named Polliwog Park. In the 60's-90's you could go catch a Polliwog to take home and watch it transform into an adult. The marshy area of the park no longer exists.

Guess this is an American thing, never heard of this in the UK.

I've always known them as tadpoles but somewhere have heard them called polliwogs

Yabadabadoo , I agree with you since I have also only her the word tadpole but never heard Polliwog. I almost got this question wrong

I only knew that from Stanger Things.

thank you Poliwag from pokémon

Cat Mom
ATS, oh no! I'm in America & I've never heard of it! I love this game but get tired of all the comments pointing to it being made more for the US players

Cat Mom
UnderDogg6568, apparently, a Polliwog is both, any amphibian

Cat Mom
Duchess, that's a great idea!

Cat Mom
Yabadabadoo, same here in US, at least here in Tennessee. I think it sounds like a southern word

a polliwog is a type of catfish. a tadpole is a baby frog.

poliwogs are totes adorb

Player #133827701
I didn't know that I've been around for long time in Oklahoma

Thank you Stranger Things!!!

sandals ☢️⚠️
Yabadabadoo, we call them tadpoles in India too, I had never heard of pollywog either. It sounded a bit silly to me

Player #120374466
We had poliwogs live in a drainage canal close to our house back decades ago and then it was fun to see dozens of baby frogs emerging. Sadly so many got stepped on by people or ran over by cars