Members of the acting profession consider it unlucky to do what backstage?
Correct answer: Whistle

Always something to learn 👍

Player #16161353
RegretfulHuman68, I've been backstage professionally for over 30yrs...never, ever whistle backstage! just don't!

...Break a leg, anyone?

Player en_846
it was the only intentional one.

Jeannie 393
on a ship, don't whistle up a wind.

Player #1984217
Common folklore. Check out “ghost light” for more folklore.

Player #16161353, Or say Macbeth!

Not a professional actor, but have done stage work on and off for years and have never heard of this

Player jet, this is a question I would like answered as well.... Anyone?

* Seshati *
Player #16161353, well lol I love a good whistle it’s so funny some of the superstitious beliefs we still hold dear

Player #Tytruck16
RegretfulHuman68, You're just a yung'n, that's why.

all of them are the right answer

Doc, Bashful, Happy, Sneezy, Dopey, Grumpy, Sleepy, all whistled while they worked. If you had that hottie waiting at home, who wouldn't?

no whistling in Drama!