How many people have refused to accept their Oscars?
Correct answer: 3

As an American he has the right to protest any way he wants. Why is it we support protesting in only situations acceptable to us.

UnusualSpider56537, When one person stands up, he or she is considered a kook. When a group stands up, they are considered a movement. When the majority agrees, it is considered a good idea.

Bill Taggart
SuperScorpio400, r u serious Marlon Brando was one of the greatest actors of all time

Player #10022413
Hollywood is self absorbed. not surprising that it was only 3 to refuse.

Little nugget to mull over for ya; why do we as a nation not recognize what we did to the Indians as genocide?

Smart guys! All those award shows are a joke and the people who watch them are mindless zombies.

Player #24376, Bob Dylan won the Noble Prize in Literature. Big difference between that and the Oscars.

SparklyDervish35892, okay so when Obama won his Nobel Peace Prize, he didnt know what it was for. He had not yet done a single thing except say....
Yes We Can but in the end No he didn't! Please tell me what great achievement he accomplished.

BionicOrc74587, what does that have to do with the question?

Mrs B
Iwonder, Brando didn't go. He sent a Native American representative.

ibjoblo, right. she had no tribe affiliation. real name Maria Louise Cruz.

Be wise
What happens to their Oscar when they refuse to take them?

fiona, she wasn’t even Native American.

DaintyFlyer55866, He also won an Oscar for Things Have Changed.

fiona, Because it wasn't a genocide. It was a war with atrocities on both sides. But when a Victorian society goes to war with a stone age society, the stone age society will generally lose.

fiona, and what our government continues to do to this day.

Mellow Mind
fiona, Some of us do. The Trail of Tears for instance, where 10-15,000 Native Americans died. The blankets given with known typhoid disease…Christopher Columbus didn’t “discover” America, he bumped into it by accident. He thought he was landing in India. That’s why the erroneous tag of Indian was given to Natives here. Europeans had no idea this continent even existed.

Mrs B,
I heard that she wasn't actually a Native American after all.

UnusualSpider56537, "We" is a lot of people. I support free speech as a whole, not the single act of specific persons.

fiona, Native Americans or indigenous peoples if you prefer. They came to be called "Indians" because
Christopher Columbus was trying to sail to India. When he landed he assumed he was in India.

My great-grandma was Eastern Cherokee. I hated history books because I knew the omissions and lies. Luckily I discovered Charles River Editors, the publishing arm of Harvard University.

Bill Taggart, he just didn't think too highly of Hollywood

Awards for art based on opinions of "judges" are lame.

Dajoe1, He also transferred over $730 billion of taxpayer $ to private insurance companies. Largest theft of public $ to date

Player #89643615
Sol, Also the Donkeys and the Horses had a great deal to do with the making of America.People seem to forget about them

Rexme79, He promised the moon to every group he spoke to, and delivered nothing to anyone.

Jackie , Iranian isn't a race, that's an ethnicity. the race would be Arabic (or maybe middle eastern)

Player #44524339, if an Iranian is a race then Americans are a race and Russians are a race

Joey, same in africa

Addam, when they burned down all those business's and were looting I guess they were protesting. may they should have buπ n€d the capital.

Mars V
fiona, I was born in 1963. I had nothing to do with it.

fiona, the natives, the blacks, and now we’re trying to do it all over again with LGBTQ, women and immigrants. It never ends. This country was built on abuse and it thrived on the backs of people who suffered.

yeah it's funny it depends on who's protesting some people who protest are labeled as rioting even though other people doing the same thing and it's called protesting

Sacheen Littlefeather was Hispanic, born in Oxnard, CA.

Birdiemom, that's being challenged now. They think Neanderthals came from other parts of the world. It was also thought that in the past the Neanderthals died out but because of all the DNA tests being done, they have done an about-face on this. Most all Europeans have some of the Neanderthal's DNA. So the one race out of Africa isn't the rule any longer. The Neanderthals developed a lot of the tools that helped Homosapians become what we are.

George C. Scott was absolutely right.

Mrs B, she wasn’t even a real Native American

fiona, it's recognized. Where've you been?

Rexme79, His Affordable Care Act forces insurance companies to spend 80 cents of every premium dollar on medical care (vs 60.or 70 as previously spent) while also slowing the rate of medical cosy inflation, he cut income taxes for 95% of the population, kept the auto industry alive, and presided over the recovery from a huge financial meltdown which occurred during the immediate prior administration-- among other things.

fiona, which is why at age 8 I protested against Thanksgiving... and still do 57 years later.