Which Native American tribe was massacred at the Battle of Wounded Knee in South Dakota in 1890?
Correct answer: Sioux

This was a total massacre. The only monument to this is a small unattended gravesite with a small plaque. This was a very bloody massacre. Yet no one talks about it much. DISCRIMANATION YET NO ONE TALKS ABOUT IT MUCH.
The Sioux, Lakota, Shawnee, are now being run off their lands in South Dakota due to the opening of drilling and pipelines. They have even lost ceremonial burial sites.

ardie3910, organized genocide of the native peoples and tolerance of slavery are keystones in defining and forging the American character. Romanticizing it as fearless pioneers blazing the wilderness, first in books, then film, only underpins the reality of the adage that the victors write the history books.

I was so pleased to see this topic presented. I live in South Dakota and have learned a great deal about the Sioux Nation and it's history. The author was correct with some of the explanation but then went astray. The soldiers MASSACRED men, woman and children when they would not comply with being relocated from THEIR LAND!!! This was no accident it was MURDER! If you travel through SD visit the site and then visit one of the reservations. It will bring you to tears. You will see conditions similar to a third world nation right here in the USA. This is what the Sioux faced had they complied at Wounded Knee.

ardie3910, if any discussion about rasicm discrimination doesn't start with Native Americans then it is an exorcise in futility

I hope that the truth is finally being told. History should be written truthfully history

it is sad what we've done to The Tribes of this land. 😞

okay wait. they surrounded the camp in an attempt to have "" friendly fire "" "" no one knows who fired first"" "" an accident"". Good Lord, how can you live with yourself and Not know that language? it's called GUILTY. massacre indeed. 😟😟😟😟

Player atticus
ardie3910, Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee actually made me ashamed to be white.

shameful, dreadful and shameful.

Suzy Z
I was born here in America and I’m from the white race, but, I’m ashamed to have this title, it’s a disgrace what the whites have done to the Native Americans and Blacks, Jews, and everyone else. It’s a disgrace

good news...don't know the Indian tribe but in Oklahoma...the Indians there must be lawyers cause the have casinos...cabins they rent out....oil rights..etc..I believe education is the key...do things the way the white man does it....but keep your good character!!!


ardie3910, I’d thought it was the Lakota. Thanks for the info…& the passion.

Oscar, killing them off and those who survived where told where to live and were banded from speaking their own language,, Indian children were put,into Missions and taught them the white mans language and ways ,etc ,

Wannabe Vulcan
KookyOrangutan5005, exactly! That was no "battle".

Saddest & most shameful is that the "massacre" continues today. See statistics on life expectancy, infant mortality, death in childbirth, poverty rates, NA & AI peoples always the worst. We can vote & lobby to help change that.

This was the most well known of many massacres of native Americans. Most resulted when the US government failed to honor a treaty and the tribes stood up for their rights.

I am so glad that you told the ABSOLUTE TRUTH!!IT WAS MURDER of innocent people who simply did not want to leave THEIR Land!!

It was the 7th Calvary bent on revenge over the Little Big Horn. The Sioux were practicing the Ghost Shirt dance that was brought to them by a Piute medicine man. He told the Sioux that if they danced the Ghost Shirt dance, the buffalo would all return and the white man would go away, and their ancestors would rise up from their graves to join the fight. This made the soldiers nervous, so they demanded that the old Sioux men and women turn in their guns. It was winter and some rifles were needed to hunt game. The 7th Calvary has already confiscated the Sioux rifles, but they wanted to search under the blankets that the old ones wore around their shoulders for warmth. One shot accidentally discharged, from which side no one knows. But it was the perfect opportunity to use the Army’s new artillery, and get revenge over Custer. The 7th killed over 300 Sioux that day, mostly women and children, and left their grotesque bodies to freeze in the snow.

Although I do not hate this country, far from it. What I do hate what it tries to represent itself. America’s travesties lies in its genocidal behavior. The massacre and brutal killing of people of different ethic background and by slaughtering countless of people to make way for the Europeans who wanted to settle in this land. People can pretend all they want, but this country this land was built on travesty. A sham and make no mistake, as long as our government and its people continue to hide the truth as they have been doing for a hundred years this country will not see another century

ElsaBloominthal2nd, unfortunately it's written by the victorious.

Player #20662749
Jew for Yeshua, Sitting Bull was not killed at Wounded Knew

They were here long before us, but we thought nothing of slaughtering the Native Americans and stealing their land. Sickening.

Player #6482125
Player atticus, No need to be ashamed.. totally out of your control..

kelloggs 4791
" Bury my heart at wounded knee" is an excellent and enlighting book.

Player #24358685
Suzy Z, yes, and no one else has done bad things. The world was one big, happy family. No hunger, no poverty, no war, no crime. Then the White man came. Sorry, but while I admit tbat bad was done, I'm not going to be ashamed of others' actions. What I will do in my personal life is continue to treat others with respect and dignity as a human being. If I walked up to a random black American and said, "I got mugged by a black guy a few years back, on the other coast. You owe me forty dollars," he would rightfully laugh in my face. And he certainly wouldn't say, "I am so ashamed to be black." Maybe you're ashamed because of your own thoughts or actions against blacks, but don't project yourself onto me.

Player #24358685
CherishedAlien74365, It's not corporate greed. It's human greed. If a corporation is run by people who aren't greedy, the corporation doesn't act in a greedy manner regardless. But, if greedy people get control of the corporation, it hen becomes a tool for the greedy. Really, is it Amazon that needs to control everything, or is it Jeff Bezos who has that need?

Player #24358685
Player #5555, "Oh yes, the black white man."

Player #21374632
Player #5555, Indian,,,I am,,proud to be called Indian,,I cry when I read these comments,!so much truth ,,we feel helpless,,

Player #15446849
HAS ANYONE. been 'Proud' of the history of the ' SIOUX' ??? I would be so proud to have my culture represented!!!! But some fought tooth & nail to degrade & disgracefully bring down our culture after reparations that went as far as shamefully pulling an Enterprise that went as far as making a GREAT 🎖 HONOR of the recognition of our past! UND... Fight for PRIDE & PRIVILEGE of OUR history as a People. So Sad!!!

When you stand near the gravesite you are standing where the guns were set up creating a kill zone. It seems like it was planned.

Redeemed 2001
God says the heart is desperately wicked... yes yours too...born that way. Let him who is without sin cast the first stone. Yes it was murder. We're all capable of it

Player #2734818
that is why they brought so many soldiers and such better artillery

Player atticus, why should you be ashamed for being white?? You did nothing wrong. Never be ashamed of who you are or where you came from.

Player #3781604
ardie3910, Sioux? you mean lakota. Sioux was a name given to the lakota by the French fur traders. it meant snake.

Player #8361693, Your response is so bigoted in terms of tbis discussion. this was a MASSACRE of men women and children!!!

ardie3910, There is a building at the location that houses information and pictures about this horrible massacre in Wounded Knee, South Dakota. I've been there and it brought me to tears.

Player atticus, Oh brother! 🙄