What type of doctor examines surgically removed organs?
Correct answer: Pathologist
The word pathology means study of disease.
Player #25874027,
The pathologist simply reports the lab findings. The doctor has to interpret those results to determine how it correlates to the patient's symptoms and then makes a diagnosis and prescribes a treatment.
Marcy, as long as the “parts” aren’t all bloody 😃
Player #120374466, me neither … NOW at 63 this sounds like a very interesting profession!!!? Too late?
Now that sounds like a very interesting profession!!!
Player #25874027
Player #120374466,
Most doctors do not interpret test results, that is the province of the technical side - Pathologists including Histologists , Cytologists , Haematologists etc
Player #120374466
I didn't know another doctor( pathologist) besides your specialist was involved in the interpretation of tests and the suggesting of treatments.
also doctors who study the lab.results