If you have anosmia, what have you lost?
Correct answer: Sense of smell
I lost my sense of smell when I was 11, due to being hit by a car and suffering a fractured skull and concussion & needed CPR
Player #25874027
It’s aneurysm- I had one in. 1991 and lost my sense of smell .
Depending on where the aneurysm is in the brain the surgeon may have to move the brain. The olfactory nerves are very fine and get broken by this . Damage is irreparable.
As 90% of the sense of taste comes from smell it also reduces taste .
insomnia is unable to sleep, no smell. that olfactory senses??
sorry DawnyG
I knew a woman who had it
Player #117527796, Kat, i hope you are better now.
Player #117527796
Kat, I hope you are better now.
I lost my sense of smell in 2002 when I had a brain anerizum.