What is the United States national mammal?
Correct answer: Bison or Buffalo

I love the nature questions. I'm a huge animal lover

EvilEve9, and the white man didn't just hunt these animals to take hides or some meat and leave the rest they butchered the Bison on purpose to push out the Indians so that they wouldn't have a food source they killed millions of the Buffaloes and just left them laying so that the Indians would be starved out

Mama K 75581
What this doesn't tell you is why they were slaughtered in the millions, 1) During their migration, they would stop trains for days. 2) The Government's of the days viewed them as an impediment to farming. 3) By eliminating the Buffalo the Gov'ts on both sides (Can/US) could control/eliminate the indigenous peoples of North America. An ugly time in history!

Player Moosic, You are right. Who we didn't kill we corraled and that's where they are. They were innocents , willing to befriend us, show us what to hunt , what to eat , not eat, how to grow crops. That wasn't good enough for us we had to have the land. We couldn't share hunting grounds because we didn't respect their ways. They used every part of the Buffalo. If they had to travel to kill they packed salt and only killed as much as they could carry and use. We would kill for the meat that we wanted or the hides and leave so much waste it horrified the Native Americans who respect every aspect of nature and treat it like a gift. Fights ensued and land wars began.

Player Moosic
Dragonlady, One of the worst acts of genocide committed against a native population. I read and watched "Bury my heart at Wounded Knee"! It's about the Trail of Tears. Europe has some dark history!

Laudy Miss Claudy
The European settlers killed millions of bison in order to starve out the Native Americans.

Player #1008308 Red
dollis1963, I didn't know that He had done this but I like it!!! 💝💝💝 😊😊

Maria ♡, im one half ndn.i feel lucky to live in a free land and use my freedom to worship my god, and help people.god bless america!

Maria ♡
pounditpeggy, So Desperately Sad How the White People Are Always Trying to Displace the Original Native People Out, take about Greed , the Whilte People As a Whole have a Lot To Answer for, As the Small Number Who are Not the Same & Believe the Native People in America & Australia Should have some Redress, as the Abuse they Suffered then & Now , is Wrong, both Then & Now, they know how best to look after the Land, & The Natural Wide Life, they should be Respected Far More then they have been & Now in the Present,

Player #8258475
Player Moosic, and thats exactly what it is, history, it cannot be changed so learn from it, build a bridge and get over it.

GrandmaTanya, me too!

Show a picture of a Squirrel. But answer comes up as Bison

Finally, a reason for people to remember Obama...

Player #92723922
We have a national mammal?

Da Bomb,
just like the white settlers some friendly and some were/are quick to start shooting and then ask questions afterwards and unfortunately they passed that DNA down to the modern American males shoot 1st then ask questions later

unfortunately they forgot to mention that or they are trying to follow the rules on teaching the truth about American history like the schools did during the 60s and 70s even though they still whitewashed a lot of the American history back then but they were still able to teach the class without getting in trouble for educating the kids

Player #120158021
pounditpeggy, the natives already had wiped out the Woods Buffalo by that time.

Lam Vy Da
Vẻy giod

Player #13989851
Buffalo live in the game preserve in South Park, Pittsburgh, PA today.

Aren't they like extinct while genocide over native americans as well?

Da Bomb
EvilEve9, blah, blah. some tribes were friendly and some were not. the indians did the same thing to other indians as European settlers did to them. it is the same throughout history. tfb. disease or their lack of disease exposure caused the most deaths. the indians raped and killed women and took the losing parties young and some women as slaves or indoctrinated them into the tribe against their will. history is the same, there are winners and losers and they would have done the same.

Player #32567393
Maria ♡,
Cozzy 25,
Yes, I agree.

Player #32567393
Laudy Miss Claudy,
Cozzy 25,
Disgusting. But us Australians treated the Aboriginals badly too. 😎

Player #32567393
Cozzy 25,
Being Australian, I got it wrong! 😎
General Knowledge
White Europeans arriving in America killed bison by the millions to starve out the people who had settled on that land for thousands of years. Who do you think America really belonged to?

Tried to trick us with the squirrel, lol

los lobos
"The Holy Land is everywhere" Black Elk speaks

Ruby, bullwinke is vp

Player #25874027
It is intended to reflect that the Americans are nuts🥜 !

Our Tanzanian National animal is a Giraffe 🦒🦒😊

Player One
The U.S? Who cares?

Player #9442102
Laudy Miss Claudy, terrible!

Player #14087459
photo of a squirrel is misleading

pounditpeggy, our white ancestors were so certain that their society was superior, some still think they are, damn are they thick.

whsts the point of the picture?

Thank God we finally have a national mammal. I didn't know we were lacking one.

pounditpeggy, Yes...so sad. Bison is better meat than beef ...IMO😊

A family owns buffalo farms and grocery stores in the city where I live in Northern Michigan. The buffalo meat is sold in the stores. They also have a buffalo burger BBQ dinner at the local community college. I think the herds are managed well.