What is the proper name for a "Pit Bull"?

Correct answer: American Pit Bull Terrier

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What people think about it: 25 Comments
The pit in pit bull is in reference to the area where dog fights were held. The brutal treatment of "mans best friend" was considered sport. The breeding of fighting dogs then led to todays pit bulls reputation for being killers. Proper socialization when young is the most important thing you can do to counter this tendency for aggression. A pit can be a great pet.
too bad that people made this dog so aggressive that most people fear them!
Delan1947, they are born with strong powerful jaws, therefore when they do bite (every dog is capable of biting) they often cause more harm than other breeds. Their behavior/ environment determines their tempermant. Shelters get many types (even the very small ones) that are being surrendered because of behavior issues- aggression and biting being # 1. Personally i love all dogs but until the disgusting people that are overbreeding them to be aggressive are stopped, this will be an ongoing problem/ debate
Graham Y.N.W.A.  JFT
Graham Y.N.W.A. JFT
Player #1023551, Not in the UK. an American pit bull is classed as a dangerous dog and banned. it's not a recognised pedigree breed on the our KC list. Unlike the Staffordshire Bull terrier which is a different dog.
After reading Wikipedia all the answers except for Old English are correct. fact of the matter is The Staffshire Terrier is the true Pit Bull.
The Staffordshire Terrier is also a "Pit Bull".
Chezikeets, I had a pit bull mix who was the sweetest dog one could wish for. She humoured my two babies, never showed any aggression towards them, even when they played roughly. she died when she was 16 and I miss herv to this very day
Player #1023551
Player #1023551
the akc registered name for a pit bull is America. Staffordshire terrier
Ignazia11, im so impressed after reading these comments, 8 thought there would be more negative things said about pitbulls😊
In UK the Staffordshire Bull Terrier is a different dog to the American Pit Bull which is banned here and you can be prosecuted for owning one. Sadly too many children were mauled and some were killed by their own family pet. Staffies are generally very affectionate and good with children.
Be wise
Be wise
There’s a singer named Pit Bull.
toothless beachrat
toothless beachrat
Our pit bulls (Brave and Hercules) were on an episode of the "Lou Grant Show". I believe it was 1978 when it aired. My family bred them pit bulls for several years. I taught one (Brandy) to do her tricks whether I gave the command in English or Spanish.
Treynlds, And is the TRUE, Pitbull , NOT the American!
Is that the same dog on the little rascals show?
jakebrakemack, say what you will, I have been bitten by two dogs in my life. A chihuahua and a Pit Bull. The Chihuahua was meaner but the Pit sent me to the Hospital....
Player #4821096
Player #4821096
I’m not sure about this answer. I thought that the breed is a Staffordshire Bull Terrier but the Americans call them Pit bulls
Player #2512936
Player #2512936
I have adopted 3 Cats from The ASPCA. They ask questions and find The appropriate pet for You.
Player #2512936
Player #2512936
Do Not Shop, adopt. I have 3 Cats
Player #K
Player #K
That is such a cute pic!
Treynlds, Staffies have a very sweet nature though generally
Montana Lady
Montana Lady
The name pitbull doesn't actually refer to dog fighting but to the practice of "bull-baiting". People would tie bulls on a chain in a pit so the animal could only move maybe 25 feet & would then torment it to ensure it was distressed before releasing dogs to attack it... All so they could place bets on whether the dogs would be trampled or gored to death or survive & subdue the bull, which would then be slaughtered anyhow. They claimed this made their meat taste better. (I know from experience that adrenaline makes elk & venison taste awful, so I highly doubt it was a magic chemical for beef.)
P- Swivel Bitches
P- Swivel Bitches
wrong answer, look it up player number 102 3551 has the correct answer.
Ignazia11, 100% agreed!
Chezikeets, Absolutely 100% agreed!!
MuscularDemigod69239, l'm sorry to say some owners don't train there dogs well. I am sure you spend alot of time training them to be mellow.