Who produced the first commercial light bulb in 1879?
Correct answer: Thomas Edison
Thomas Edison was purely a conartist and business man. Not an inventor. And most of what the people in the US credit to Thomas, actually was invented by Nikola Tesla.
Jaded9162, Wrong. Tesla worked at Edison Machine Works. Founded by Thomas Edison AFTER he made the first commercial light bulb. It started with Volta in 1800. Inventors worked off of each other making improvements. Swan pretty much created the light bulb but it was only good ofr demonstration, not practical use. That is where Edison came in. That is why the question is so specific with the date and use of the word "commercial"
African American Lewis Lattimore Deserves the Credit..He Created a Filament to the LightBulb...But Edison Took the Credit & Fame
Vicky Wilborn
This question and its history is disputed
Player #1111308
The filiment causes the bulb to light up was invented by an African American name Latermer
Everyone is crediting Tesla, but Joseph Swan in Scotland produced commercial lightbulb ten years before Edison. Edison adapted Swann's design.
Never would have happened without Tesla.
TheCriminalMcButtfac, So very true Nikola Tesla was a man before his time. Not many of his inventions haven’t changed since the first day he invented them. He was and still is the best investor that has ever lived and we owe so much to him
The guy that invented television was buried by a corporation that ran with the idea, and showed it at the 1936 world's fair as their own idea. I think the inventor died broke. " It's not the idea but who exploits the idea that matters".- Bill Gates
Player #3137178
Live21Love, and let's not forget Latimer, who actually developed a longer lasting filament which Edison bought the patent to..
Tesla did it, Edison stole it.
Player #1208057
Edison was a business man not an inventor
British Inventor Joseph Swan was the actual inventor of the light bulb.
Jerking off guy
Nikola Tesla.
Player #1110780
I don't feel like edison is going to be as well liked by the new generation. I only hear how bad he is now
actually, the ancient Egyptians made the firest light bulb the bagdad battery
Giggle Pig
GMG, GMG having lived pretty much the most part of the last half of the 20th century let me give you a helpful hint – – seriously – don’t believe anything written after 1990. That seems to be the dividing line at which point historians seem to try to insert themselves into their stories.
Giggle Pig
hong cha young, and the most prolific inventor ever.
Giggle Pig
Cassandra, right so an eight-year-old knows so much about the world – you don’t – and you’ll be happier in your future years if you don’t think you know everything.
Giggle Pig
Kitty, kind of like Disney to his artists.
Giggle Pig
NimbleCavalier81232, well he should know.
Edison did not invent the light bulb, Tesla did!
TheCriminalMcButtfac, you are right!
BrooklynEwms32, Facts...I love people who do their research
Player #131875167, so very true! Finally another person I can identify with! thank you!
what I am not born on that day
“Thomas Edison” IM SORRY WHo??
sometimes, because of interruptions, hit wrong key
A wonderful invention and some light bulbs warms the rooms
A wonderful invention and also some light bulb warms the rooms.
Player #131875167, We must also consider that today's generation has been lied to by those who are re-writing history.
Wonderful invention.
didn't read the question properly sorry
like if you got right answer
I learned this in school
the question and it's history is disputed
who said Marconi
Player #140647344
NimbleCavalier81232, Philo Taylor Farnsworth invented the television.
Lilli Qeen
How the heck am I supposed to know that 😥🥺
rose roses
thomas addison.
I got confused when asked about commercial 😂
TheCriminalMcButtfac, read his autobiography, you might change your mind
ki furnish jhcxxdyh
burger busters
ok, who pressed George Washington 😔
Did you know that Thomas Edison was a very hardworking man and was also deaf from one ear.