Who wrote the book, "The Godfather" in 1969?
Correct answer: Mario Puzo

What is a player of this game supposed to do with the ☆ points? I have lots.

The best crime movie ever! Poor Sonny at the toll booth.

TestyMole4777, leave the gun TAKE the canoli

penawareof, it was pretty gruesome. my favorite part of the movie was when they garroted Connie's husband. He was an a****** he deserved what he got.
the whole movie was beautiful and very interesting inside and out. not so much the graphic features oh, but the story itself as potrayed was a beautiful piece of work

whitesloth91, I recently re-read the book. It's excellent. Plus, some dialogue in the movie was taken word for word from the book. I highly recommend it.

ThandQ, you can buy hints or extra time to answer a question

Player sodalou
he also wrote The Fortunate Pilgrim, a wonderful tale of an Italian immigrant family

Black Moscow
it was you Fredo..😡

“One day , and that day may never come, I will ask you to do something for me..... mumble mumble mumble “ ....
“Emmmm , what was that you said 👂 ? “

Player #26129643
I've read the (first) book three times. You can really soak up a lot of details that are not in the movies.

I’m going to make him an offer he can’t refuse..

Mrs busybody
I always like to read the book before watching the movie. I didn’t get round to reading it until about 15 years ago. It was a brilliant read and then I watched the movie which didn’t disappoint. Both very good.

Major Naive Cube
Best book ever 👌 also the movie 🍿

ThandQ, buy lives or extra time

penawareof, read the book, it's even better

Wannabe Vulcan
I like Sonny's way of dealing with domestic violence.

Wannabe Vulcan
Black Moscow, you're breaking my heart.

Wannabe Vulcan
Player sodalou, "The Sicilian" was a real page-turner.

Black Moscow, you broke my 💔

Player #68594183
ThandQ, It’s not the points that matter, it’s learning in the description something you didn’t know about what you thought you knew, or learning something altogether new. If the questions are too easy, change the difficulty to hard.

Long Beach New York??? hmm🤔

Joyous one
Player #52940639, Leave the gun, take the cannoli!

Player #52940639
NEXUS6, keep your friends close and your enemies closer

Player #70754363
The novel was a lot lot better than the movie

one of my favs of all time..next time watch the scene with Tom ( Robert Duvall) and the director I love how cool and business like he is ..never look at a horses head the same lol and also the scene with Michael ( al Pacino) when he's talking about marriage to Appolonias father and brothers..great funny scene..

Player #66817220
penawareof, the poor horse!

dont start the car....then BOOM!!!

Muzo wrote the book then they made him an offer he couldn't refuse.

A classic movie which depicts the reality of the underworld with nice lessons to learn from this.

only is levi my two aprons are wroy😭

Player #32549118
ThandQ, Don’t have to do anything, I use none of the hints etc. I’d rather get the answer wrong than pretend I’m right, for me the fun is in learning especially about things I don’t usually choose to research. It’s a great quiz game. People just like points etc. So they’re giving something for them. The quiz trees seem to be endless when I’ve scrolled up, which is enough to satisfy me! 😊

This is me unlematiex

ThandQ, I've been trying to figure this out myself.

Joshua2020, yes, it was just “leave the gun”.
Clemenzas real life wife suggested it to him as he was rehearsing his lines with her.

MetalMom59, Plus in the book they really got into the Luca Brazzi character.
He was vicious! Remember throwing a baby in the furnace! He was barely in the movie before he was killed off. I would have loved to have seen his character expanded.

Mary Freshwater
i just happen to be reading this book. what're the odds, huh?

NEXUS6. that cannoli line was not scripted.... it was made up on the spot

Great book an good movies! I can get cozy an read that book over again on a rainy day or just watch all 3 movies an have a movie day of it.