Who is this?
Correct answer: Sidney Poitier

Princess 'M'
To Sir With Love is 1 of my favorite movies of his... what a talented actor!

They call me MR. Tibbs!!

sizeable satellite
Guess Who's Coming To Dinner, my favorite...great acting in that movie!

No mention of Joanna Shimkus his wife of over 40 yrs with whom he had 2 children?

In the Heat of the Night was a brilliant movie

I have seen many of his movies. He was an excellent actor!

to sir with love is my favorite

Player #9495659
His talent and success, really paved the way for future African Americans to make movies and tv shows. Some called him an Uncle Tom, because his characters were often seen as more white. It is always difficult to be the first, to succeed, where others have been unable to do. Look at Guess Who's Coming to Dinner. You had a black highly educated and successful man, who has fallen in love with a white woman and wants to marry her. Ok, compared to today's shows, it is very diffetent, but for its time it was daring and progressive. He also achieved great primary roles and never reduced himself to stereotypes. I find that amazing. For that time in history.

My favorite is To Sir with Love

He is such a good looking guy. I loved him in Guess who's coming to dinner

Puma Girl
Player #9495659, very well said. Thanks 🙏

Puma Girl
Cowofneal, Yes he was.

Puma Girl
munchkin1300, yes yes yes

Puma Girl
Radakyl, my favorite

I still watch TO Sir with Love whenever I can. Also Lilies of the Field especially the song Amen.

I always will like Sidney Poitier in the movie To Sir with Love, and t h e L i l l i es Of The Field.

Player #119128296
EnchantedNaga45588, good question

I’m reading his book “The Measure of a Man”. It is an excellent book! Rest in peace Mr. Poitier. You’ve done well!

I loved him in EVERYTHING! Classy, sincere, and intense. 🥰

Princess 'M', There's a sequel

Player #83925953
Sadly, Sidney Poitier passed away on, 01/06/2022. Furthermore, this answers only about 1/8th of his life. In 1976, he married Joanna Simkus and they had two more daughters. Additionally, in my opinion, he depicted the epitome of a great actor and a great human being. The Bahamians people, the world, and the Arts lost a man of Grace & Dignity on January 6, 2022.

Princess 'M', I loved watching that movie. it made me cry. The kids really had a high regard to him.

85 Bear
Defiant Ones & To sir, with love were my 2 favorites of his.

Noah Dearborn was a great movie!

First movie I ever saw with him was Lilies of the Field. I still watch it whenever I see it on, along with all the others.

Tina M.
Sidney passed away in January 2022. RIP

may he RIP....

Brilliant Actor....Showed Hollywood That an Actor No matter what color ...Could Thrive in Any Role...He Achieved that Respect...R.I.P. Sir...

Teresa, I had to sneak out to see it.

A Patch Of Blue is my Favorite!!!

I loved him in obscure 1960’s movie called “The Bedford incident “

Player #15312946
Ilove anything he play in and too

Player #24621475 Cali
sizeable satellite, it's also one of my favorites

David Lee Cole Jr.
My hero!!!

Player #31160565
Princess 'M', A Patch of Blue

Loving SW Florida, he's very much alive, 94 yrs old to be exact. Google him, you'll get all the info you need.

Orville Parker Gildock
did you hear about jerry. deO. you get a line and ill get a pole.

Loving SW Florida
Is he still alive ? Is he living in US or Bahamas ? need more information here about his movies etc..

Player #31284226
A Raisin in the Sun. Great play and Great movie with Mr Sidney Poitier. But, not the Sean "Puffy" Combs piece of junk

Player #33462253
Best Black actor in Hollywood!