In which country is the ceremony of drinking 'Cornish' or 'Devonshire' tea popular?
Correct answer: Great Britain

it's great Britain you spelt incorrectly in the question

Paul Steadman
Player #55741825, Great Britain is still a valid name as far as I know. Great Britain is England, Wales and Scotland. The United Kingdom is Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

One eats a cream tea, rather than drinking it, ( although some tea is grown in Cornwall). However, I refer you to Antzuzu's answer - the sovereign nation is the United Kingdom and not Great Britain , which is a geographical entity of England, Wales and Scotland but does not include Northern Ireland.

The United Kingdom (UK) is a country that consists of England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. The name Great Britain refers to the island on which most of the non-sovereign countries of England, Scotland, and Wales are situated

Alison , Britain isn't great any longer!

England is the correct answer

Player #125843019
The correct answer is ENGLAND not great Britain

Player #55741825, when did we drop Great Britain? I still see it written in books and other publications.

Cookie Bean, and mine

I like to split the scone, spread butter on it, them strawberry jam, and finally the clothes cream. delicious 😋

I didn't get the right answer because I refused to believe that a game would spell great wrong I'd suggest fixing this issue

Player #55741825
As below Great Britain but no longer called that now known as United Kingdom