What is Ayahuasca?
Correct answer: South American hallucinogenic brew

millwallmarty, not true at all! I did the research on it and found NO deaths nor any long term damage to the psyche. I did a thesis on the subject which was published in JAMA

nothing worse than being in the middle of a spiritual awakening and getting a bad case of the runs. it just ruins it for everyone

I wouldn’t mind testing a bit of that out!

This is very cool stuff! Just wish people wouldn't be so ugly. We all have our own beliefs. Let us leave it at that.

Player #9623282
there is insight into oneself and into the nature of life to be found beyond the veil of identity which falls with the ego, when psychoactive substances are absorbed in adequate dosage. Be careful what you ask for, as it will alter your psyche irreversibly and not necessarily for the better.

Player #48249891
I did it in Ecuador, both times the journey was guided by a Shaman. Yes you get very sick at the onset and then settle into a visioning state, you are aware of what is going around you but you are more aware of your connections to love ones, nature, the universe. I took up watercolour when I came home. Some say it opened up my creative side.

I have a friend who traveled there and drank this concoction. Said it changed his life, spiritually.

Major Dude, where can I get/make some??

totally on my bucket list twice

Ambiguous question AGAIN!
Ayahuasca is a plant too!

is this used in treating mental illnesses such as schizophrenia?

something on my bucket list - fr

Player #110421376
Not so sure yet. 😏

Player #6078838, I just reserved PIHKAL from library. thanks

Ken, can I come with you

Ktkk, loved Castaneda's books!

Marty, it's a brew made by the mixture of two plants, not just one.

Alla Malla
sounds like promotion and advertising 🤔

tootsmagoo, 😆

Player #1122427, I was wondering if that’s what he drank. I LOVE his shows!

I have done a few different hallucinogens, and all were enlightening in varying degrees. always with someone keeping an eye on me. I would definitely give it a whirl, so to speak.enjoy life.

tootsmagoo, have to admit I chuckled away at your comment...how true though.lol

Player #1122427
I remember watching Josh Gates do this on one of his TV shows, I think, Expedition Unknown. That's how I got the correct answer! 😄

Player #9623282, mind altering is not necessarily a bad thing.

Can't buy that in Oregon

Player #50531971
i know 10+ people who have done Ayahuasca, in Peru, with a well known guide. a knowledgeable guide is very important to the process, I'm told. *All* the people i know experienced the wonderful effects listed in the answer. it can be an ordeal, but all said they were very happy to have done it.

I knew that one typically gained some insight about their life but the way it's described here is insane!! (in a great way).... SIGN ME UP 😁😜

I'm assuming they only take it once, and not continually.

Player #39476339
Annie, Atta GURLEY!!! Educate!!!

Cha Cha
Player #21810509, Annie commented on something 'millwallmarty' said

Grillchees, 5%

Imphx, Khat is a stimulant not a hallucinogen.

Player #30564864
is that what Todd Sampson had on Body Hack series?

Fun guy
some American celebrities have endorsed DMT

I wonder Carlos Castaneda didn’t check this out. Right up his alley!


Player #21810509
Annie, I done see in the description that death was even mentioned...