Which of the following women was called the "first lady of the civil rights movement"?
Correct answer: Rosa Parks

What an inspirational woman

Rosa Park was very brave but Claudette Colvin was the first if history if memory serves me correctly it was because of her young age at 15 when she refused her seat on the bus to a white woman and it was a huge controversy word got back to Martin Luther King jr. and his staff and that's when Rosa Parks did the same act and got all the credit not Claudette Colvin and that's just the facts Google it

Nikki-D92, the sad part of this is that Rosa Parks was not the first person to not give up their seat. I cannot remember the woman's name but she didn't meet the criteria necessary for the front person. Hence, Rosa Parks was given the honor.

Saint Nine
JustJason007, I think it's a bit unfair to say that Claudette Colin was dismissed (I don't know if you intended it to sound like a casual decision, but that's how it came across to me. I apologise if I've misread your intention). She was 15, unmarried and pregnant. As I said in my reply to Tiffany, that was viewed with a great deal of hostility in those days. It would have lost the civil rights movement a great deal of sympathy, if not support, from a large section of the white population that were sympathetic to the cause. In view of the moral climate of the times, I think they were certainly justified in making that decision. Black people may have had a more pragmatic point of view regarding unmarried pregnancy, but I doubt they were any less disapproving.
Sadly, Claudette was a little bitter about that decision, judging by some of her comments. What's important isn't whether anyone did something before someone else, it's what they actually did. Neither is it important whether Rosa Parks's actions were part of a planned campaign or not, it still took courage and conviction. Happily Claudette hasn't been forgotten and did eventually get the recognition that her actions and bravery deserve and I'd like to thank everyone for bringing her to my attention. You're never too old to learn something new 😊.

Tiffany, yes I Claudette Colvin was young, pregnant, and unwed at the time she refused. The effort for Rosa Parks was staged because she became the acceptable lady to refuse. I watched a PBS show about it. How ironic to sacrifice women's respect to fight another issue of oppression!

Ren, you’re right. The naacp dismissed the othe young lady because she wasn’t innocent enough tobe their poster child

Player #9153195
Rosa Parks wasnt the 1st woman to be arrested for sitting in the bus and refusing to give up her seat.....the Civil Rights movements leaders CHOSE her because she fit their requirements for the "face" of segregation and the disparity between the races

Player #12741763
Tiffany, BUT Rosa carried the matter thru and really stuck her neck out not fearing a long battle.

Saint Nine
Tiffany, thank you for that information, I didn't know that (and I did search Wikipedia (rather than google): apparently there was another woman, Ruth Hamilton, who also refused to give up her seat, at least until the police arrived & persuaded another (black) man to give up his seat for her). Personally, I don't think it matters who was first or second, it isn't (or shouldn't be) a competition. All these women showed tremendous courage and deserve our respect and admiration, including Ruth Hamilton. Some people might argue that as teenagers are far less risk averse and more thrill seeking (due to the extraordinary physiological changes that take place in the adolescent prefrontal cortex, coupled with a significant reduction in endorphins – sorry, I find that a fascinating subject, but I digress) that she wasn't as brave or that she had less to lose than Rosa Parks, but we're all different and no one can say whether one person felt more fear than another, regardless of brain physiology/chemistry. I also found out that the main reason for not crediting her was that she was 15, pregnant and unmarried, which makes it more excusable than if it had just been on account of her age. That would have been viewed very negatively and unsympathetically in those days, harming the cause (just to illustrate the point, my mother married on April 1st, two days before her 20th birthday and 90 days before my birth: a shotgun wedding, and that was almost a decade later). Thank you again.

Player #15718736
As I understand it, Rosa's action was planned with civil rights' support. It still took courage, but not as much as if she had acted alone. I did not know about C. Colvin and will research her. Thank you.

woman are still fighting for their rights today.

Because of Women like her We now have rights for Women.

Ren, you are correct. The other person was a young pregnant women and was not considered a suitable example.

Tiffany, Martin Luther King has all kinds of streets parkways avenues named after him I think the same should be for Rosa Parks even in all white Oregon

Tiffany, that is true

I didn't know any of this about Rosa Parks. Not that it changes my opinion of her. Can you imagine being a middle-aged, "proper" woman in jail? Very scary! Even if it was a set-up ...

I would have never guessed that Rosa Parks would have been the only one who started it because I always thought someone else did it, not her.

at that time Rosa Parks was a remarkable woman for the Civil Rights Movement.

Nikki-D92, I don't know

Love this Lady she was so bold and I love that she fought for her people's rights ❤️ it is such a touching story ❤️.

remarkable woman we stand up for freedom I love you Rosa Parks for everything that you did for us.

I’m still in School so I learned

Charmed, Yes and that is sad and wrong.

Kathye, So brave and smart. She deserved the seat as much if not more than others.

Saint Nine, Thanks for all that information very interesting.

Saint Nine, Great information and well put... thank you.

Tiffany, Thanks for that information. Claudette Colvin deserves total credit. She's is incredibly brave and brilliant. They both are very brave.

Nikki-D92, Her bravery and smarts were very inspiring. Way to go Rosa Parks!!!

Tiffany, that is FACTS!

Very much glad the people we have in life🤗

How did I get it wrong 😑

Mr. Mellish
rose parks was not the first claudette Colvin was

A very brave lady. She was a tired women from working that day. It was the closest seat and she wasn't giving it up.

I have the same birthday as her.

she was a part of segregation ending. She was a brave and smart woman.

I do my home work for these q but how is it not Rosa parks Rosa parks met Martin Luther king jr. so I do think it is Rosa parks and my mom is named by her

She was such an incredible person especially because she was a woman AND black America was not always a good place and we still have some women's and black peoples rights that we need to put our attention tword

I love Rosa Parks!

Player #50986635, it’s because she was 15, unmarried, and pregnant.

that woman rocks