What is Sarcoidosis?
Correct answer: An inflammatory disease

my mother had this at age 50 in 1978. she went down in the CDC as the first middle-aged white woman to get this. at that time sarcoidosis usually affected middle-aged black men.

Cameron's diagnosis every time

Mrs Honey Badger
I have Sarcoidosis and I am white. After a few years my disease went into remission. It is usually more severe in black people than in white people.

Player #26129643
Believe or not, my track record with 50/50 is about even with majority vote, b/c the latter is often wrong.

several times now I have pressed the majority vote only to find you have given the wrong answer.

Player #3305800
Player Cosmo Chic, stop whining. In the real world, the majority is often wrong. P.S. I used the majority vote too