Who is John Stith Pemberton?
Correct answer: All three answers

Is it ever not 'all three answers'?

Guess everyone tearing down Confederate statues should stop drinking Coke

Hansome Ray
There was cocaine in that first coke. Who knew the inventor of coke cola was a Confederate Officer fighting for the South?

Does this mean we are gonna ban Coca-Cola? Because its founder was a Confederate?

I'd never heard of him before. Very interesting. Thank you.

Wonder how it tasted at the beginning?

Player #9495659
Hansome Ray, At that time in history, no one knew that cocaine was, addictive. Cocaine was as readily available for purchase as aspirin was. Anyone could walk into a pharmacy and buy cocaine. Therefore, the fact that this guy added cocaine to a beverage. was at first seen as nothing that important. In time the medical authorities saw what was happening and we ended up with the coke we have today.

Groovy Rosie
That was a very good story to read I enjoyed reading his history life story would love to read an honesty true book about him. Good man he did lots of good hope he had a son or daughter who walked in his steps good man!

Hansome Ray, given the lack of anesthesia in the South during the war cocaine may have been an alternative if they could have provided enough of it

Very interesting

Everything except for his Confederate alliances, me being black ,Thank God for Abraham Lincoln

Cat Mom, that happens to me too frequently

That was easy.

Cat Mom
Darn it, I hit the 2nd choice by accident & got it wrong but since

Cat Mom
Fastness it! I hit the 2nd choice by accident & for it wrong

Teslasgirl66, yep and yep

Player #130998363
Cigarettes are addictive, but they are legal. They are probably worse than cocaine. They sure stink.

SweetTooth, right!?

andi6243, supposed to have cocaine in it so assuming ur mouth would be twitching numbness and u needed a straw,lol..I personally don't do cocaine but when I did i loved it..

I love that Handsome Ray is named Handsome Ray b/c everyone has to address them as Handsome Ray. And what’s up with the backlash towards H.R. They asked a legitimate rhetorical question. Everyone needs to relax a bit.

when my children were young ( both in their 40's now) their doctor prescribed coke syrup for nausea and upset stomach. it was sold at the pharmacy and it was I think the syrup that they used to make coca cola. the kids liked it because it was sweet and not like medicine.

I wonder if he invented Rum and Coke?

andi6243, Better?🤔😝

Hansome Ray, I wish Coca-Cola was still produced by the original formula. One thought is that it was banned because the American Medical Association was disturbed that many people who were feeling bad drank a coke and felt better, thus lowering the income of doctors. Greed.

Player #120374466
Hansome Ray, Does it really matter?

what of his Civil War experience?

Player #66817220, what about “a”

Lmathis98, where?

Lucy Lu
SweetTooth, No

problem made you very happy and peppy!

Before everyone starts tossing their Coca-Cola and cotton products, look up everything in your house developed under the Nazis (who, by the way, no one is asking for statues of in the first place) and then sit and have a think. Toss away, more power to you, I am responsible for a small child, not mine, so I have to keep most of our tech. No Coca-Cola in the house, though. Not good for children.

SweetTooth, not in my experience

Hansome Ray, You could buy laudenaum over the counter. The guy threw cocaine in a refreshing fruit syrup for mixing with soda water. Thank goodness, I lived on it for much of my teens and 20s(you can't drink the water most places, but the Coca-Cola is always safe:).

Teslasgirl66, Or wearing cotton? There's a big difference between statues to our nation's enemies and not throwing out half our nation's products. And yes. Tear them down, and I am a Southerner. Leave the soda.

when I was a little girl I had a very old doctor and he used to prescribe coke syrup for cough medicine and it was clear that stuff was so strong I think it actually was a drug!

Player #719743, People sure know how to mess things up.

Player #9495659, Very interesting for sure.

#6, It is really interesting. I never knew who he was either. Lots of interesting information about him pretty cool.

Hansome Ray, Very interesting right. Coke cola is my husband's favorite. I used to be a soda freak and Dr. Pepper was my favorite, but for the last 12-14 years not really into soda or any carbonated drinks. Teas, coffees, and flavored waters.

SweetTooth, That is the only way I got this one right. I would of not known.