Which swashbuckling character from a literary work does singer Freddie Mercury ask to 'Do the Fandango'?
Correct answer: Scaramouche

seanieG eire/kreta
1Horselady, I love the guy he was a genius

Player Say what!?
Since day 1, I have loved this masterpiece.

Player #25874027
He does not ask Scaramouche to do the fandango ; he asks Scaramouche CAN you do the fandango!!

Player #93460997
I’ve always been in love with Freddie mercury

Player #25874027, he asks WILL you do the Fandango!!

cupcake 🧁
i Love 💕 that song it's one of my favorites but I Love 💕 all their Music 🎶🎶 they are the best

If I could have seen any band ever, it would have been Queen.

He's the bomb an may he rest in peace.

One of the best. I regret never being able to see him do a live show. Have twice in my lifetime sang Bohemian Rhapsody in karaoke 🎤 😍, I am no singer lol. I wish he was still here 😔

“Scaramouche” is a book by Rafael Sabatini and is a tale of the French Revolution. The protagonist is something of a rogue. It’s a fairly good book but a bit long.

so who is scarmouch really?

I know that song called Bohemian Rhapsody which is a No. 1 hit sung by Queen.

Player #25874027, no, he asks, "will" you do the Fandango.

In a blink of an eye I hit Scaramouch. Because that Queen song and their truly unique presentation is still playing in my mind.

Player #25874027, wrong! WILL you do the Fandango...

RIP Freddie#LEGEND.What a song!

Player #25874027, is it??? I always thought it was “WILL you do the Fandango” Lol. You may be right though.
Regardless. He wasn’t telling Scaramouche to DO the Fandango. lol.

Player #25874027, yes!!!!! Send a bolt of lightning, very, very, frightening…Galileo!.Galileo… Magnifico!!
Sorry. I got waaayyyy too carried away. After “frightening”, IDK if the lyrics are correct !!!!!

Player #25874027, He actually says ‘will you do the fandango’

Player #25874027, which is why it explained that he is aaking the charcter to do a dance for him