Who in a speech made the comment: "Never was so much owed by so many to so few"?
Correct answer: Winston Churchill
Savior of the free world. He even saved Germany from tyranny.
The Chaser
Voted The Greatest Briton.
When Adolph Hitler the worlds worst War Criminal was poised to take over the know free world Winston Churchill inspired his Nation against tyranny and inspired the Sleep Giant Juggernaut United States of America to join an unpopular War at the time it was thought to be a European Problem the American People wanted no part of. So Hats off to you Mr. Churchill and may I say.... Cheers!! fine sir!!! as if I was British!
the greatest briton who ever lived
We all should be thankful for Winston Churchill , without him Hitler might have won and we all will be singing a different tune...
jess, gotta love his inspiring speeches! "... we shall fight on the beaches and in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; WE SHALL NEVER SURRENDER!..." :)
If he were Prime Minister today, he would have sorted Brexit out by now!!!
Churchill so often maligned by today's standards, but was the string leader required at the time. during WW1 after the disaster in Gallipoli, he resigned and served in the army on the western front, home many leader
s would do that now?
The pic should be of a Hurricane or Spitfire, and not a US fighter/bomber
Winston Churchill's speech known as "The Few", the line is : Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few
Giggle Pig
Lionessa, I think these kids want to undermine our heroes mainly to drag them down to their level. They can’t stand the idea that people lived honorable lives contributed great things.
Giggle Pig
FineBrown, from someone who lived the majority of the last half of the 20th century, ignore any history written after 1990 or historical comments from anyone born around the same time. They have no idea what they’re talking about.
Giggle Pig
MechanizedPossum5004, well today’s standards seat to undermine every decent hero we ever had. Why? I don’t know.
Giggle Pig
infamousiceberg313, Winston Churchill received the first honorary US citizenship. He was one of the greatest men that ever lived as far as as I’m concerned.
FineBrown, The Bengal famine was not "induced." Rice harvests were stagnant, and India's population never stops growing. Churchill was not responsible for either of those things. It's possible that blaming Churchill was propaganda from the Indian government to focus anger on someone besides themselves.
jess, Boxers or Bull Mastiffs are often named Winston, in Aus ! 🤗 Cute as! Certainly dispels a tiny bit of fear when you hear such a dignified and honourable name.
Why is the picture not of a spitfire or a hurricane as that speech was made at the time of the Battle of Britain.?
change the word "was" to "in the history of mankind has"
Sir Winston Churchill. One of my all time favorite historical figures. I was asked once of I could visit and talk to any historical figure, who would it be? My answer was Churchill. He was a Prime Minister, statesman, Admiral of the Navy and a journalist over his lifetime.
AARIV, Approximately 3 million died in the Bengal famine. 70,000,000 died in WWII. YOU get YOUR facts straight.
infamousiceberg313, now we're on the brink of wwIII, and I'm afraid many enemies are already here, and in place, to include many "so called leaders", currently in government,!
F I Y A❤ ❤ ❤
unexpected correct answer😜😜😜
Thomas, If America only wanted to profit from the war, why did she do her best to stay out of it for so long? To set the record straight, the US DID NOT sell weapons to Germany.
Perhaps it would be better to show an image of an RAF aircraft, not a USAF plane.
Neville Chamberlain was the Prime Minister before Winston Churchill took over. It was to Chamberlain's foolish policy of appeasement that granted concession after concession to Hitler's demands which nearly put that megalomaniac into world domination. Thank God for raising Churchill to have the will and fortitude to oppose that Nazi and his leadership saved the world. Never surrender! Never surrender!
infamousiceberg313, that's amazing. how do you know that?
Player #26038186, pretty apt description of our politicians though
Probably should have used a Spitfire or Hurricane image. The Navy aircraft pictured above was used at Midway fwiw.
Powerfulpureone1965, yes to kill so many in Bengal famine.
In Turkey Winston Churchill is known as an important historic figure of the twentieth century but also as an adversary of the Turks, largely due to the Gallipoli Campaign in which he was the major architect. The Campaign was a disaster for the Allied Forces and a great humiliation for Churchill which cost him his job as First Lord of the Admiralty. For the Turks, however, Gallipoli was a great victory which erased the bad image created by the First Balkan War of 1912 which portrayed the Turks as easy meat. Gallipoli reversed that. The victory at Gallipoli has largely been attributed to the military genius of the field commander Mustafa Kemal, who in later years became the top figure in Turkish politics and the founder of the Turkish Republic.
Ghost 16, that's really sad I didn't know that...that is so sad and wrong
ottoknut, yeah that makes sense but love hus US fighter bomber it's so cool
AloofFairy5103, stay strong
Powerfulpureone1965, true... way to go Mr. Churchill
infamousiceberg313, yes hats off and thumbs up great job
Its been said he slept with more than 1000 women
Reetesh, same in Ireland. the british caused starvation and called it a famine.
j fn b
Lumberjax47, He was the creator of the Eastern block. he turned his back on poland and Eastern Europe.
Lumberjax47, your savior of the free world "Europe" is the murderer of hundreds of thousands in INDIA, when Europe was fighting WWII , there was a famine in India and Churchill knew about it still made sure all the food from India was exported to support his Army in the war. The amount of people died due to this famine is way more then what happened in WWII , get your history straight.
FineBrown, he was a bit busy at the time, you know the 2nd World War. . Read more books!!!