Who was the god in Greek mythology that condemned Sisyphus to roll a boulder up a hill for all eternity?
Correct answer: Zeus

Gee, does that sound familiar to anyone else? Doomed to pushing a big ole rock up hill for eternity...🤔 hmmm... sounds like me and my bills and me and my housework...all uphill, all the way!!!

the painting of this is one permanent exhibits at the Philadelphia Museum of Art. When I go to this Museum I spend a good chunk of time looking at just a few objects or paintings. It seems foolish to me to race through the entire place trying to check off things on the list.

I feel this way every time I go to work

Player #14816407
sounds like my life

Player cosmic
Consigned to futile acts for eternity... 🤔

lucky this was on Xena the other day yay lol

akua afra
l can imagine the biceps on Sisyphus. Good grief, these Greek gods could chastise.

Chelu Neb1, haha!

Sandyberry, What's the old saying? "A man works from sun to sun, but a woman's work is never done!"

Some questions are too hard how woukd i know them but still it’s good to have such information

That's so clever,funny and cruel

Chelu Neb1
"all eternity" sounds a bit long

Gunnar Gunderson
Sandyberry, doesn't he also get his liver eaten every day? I guess I need a refresher!

TallPlesiosaur78272, people might be surprised by the number of times Xena has helped me get an answer right. Lol!

I agree with sandy berry there is a Neverending futility in paying bills and housework. bills always come everyone as usual. it's your ability to pay them that socks.

Player #14816407, Find a way out.

I relate. 🙏🏾

Player Elf Council
MGK114, In Greek mythology Zeus throws thunderbolts. Thor is Norse mythology.

SJ Zenga is a winner
I guessed right because in most stories of him he's so vindictive. I'm not familiar with this story though but I knew it had to be him.

Player. Ty, and in theory, he's still learning it... :)

Player. Ty
Guess he learned his lesson💀

SQinfoNUTS, To each hi ssd's own.

Player #5100533
Sandyberry, So? You're saying, You're evil too??

Player #5100533
PTSD, It's called "Mythology" beacuse it's just a story. How about computers. Did the NOT have those either... Also, a true statement.

Sandyberry, The myth of Sisyphus by Camus..tries to explain precisely that

Player #6625811
turtlespider1969, ło

peter kilmartin
Hunt Nelson44, Greek mythology! It’s not real

JezzerLX, That's hilarious!!!!

JezzerLX, Lol

Dianna Bella74
lol gee folk stories are hilarious