Who destroyed the Sphinx's nose?
Correct answer: Muhammad Sa'im al-Dahr

And his descendants continue to destroy many historical and cultural treasures in the name of Allah. And not just exo-Islam art, but Shia blowing up centuries-old Sunni temples. Madness.

Intolerance for others, their beliefs and their ways of life, runs through history. People who arrogantly assume their 'way' is not only right but also the only acceptable way, and will seek to forcibly change the way others live to suit their worldview, exist in every culture, in every country and under every religion.
I don't know if we as a society will ever be fully rid of such behaviours.

Player #40679207
Cocoa, I have a reliable source that informs me it was cocaine abuse...

Player #41466611
The Egyptians (many ordinary people) consider Napoleon as the Sphinx's nose distroyer!

What I saw on the history channel was that one of Napoleon men shot it off

Actually that's historically incorrect. No one was responsible for that, it wasn't destroyed, it fell due to natural causes.

Scott Smith
Player #24358685, Rock is dead they say, Long live rock! Be it dead or alive.

WaldoLydeker, Catholics have been doing this on a colossal scale for over a thousand years with book burnings too.

junkiri, I hope you don't mind my answering this question. Mankind was seperated spiritually from God by sin in the garden of Eden. Christ's death was the atonement for the sin. The sacrificial lamb per say of all time. Because of Christ's sacrifice, we can now pray in repentance of the sin we commit and get forgiveness. The sin is remembered by God no more. I apologize, if I've overstepped.

Charlotte, what does he died for our sins mean? why would anyone die for our sins? does it mean whatever sins we do, now we are sins-free because Jesus died for it? I'm really confused because I hear this a lot from Christians.

Player #36508930
HypocriticalBowl13, we dont pray to the rock, al kabba as it is called is just a direction where all muslims pray towards. We only pray to one and only God and we call God in Arabic Allah. We respect and send praise to all the prophets Mohamed, Jesus, Abraham, Moses etc. Please do some research my friend.

Player #34432035
i!i, officially there is no distinction between AD and CE, however the latter is still less commonly used and as most people are still taught it as AD/BC, it's not wrong for the description to use it

WaldoLydeker, Are the others better? What about, for example, the erasing of the Inca empire buildings? Also the Shia Muslims did it?

Player #24358685
HypocriticalBowl13, Who is to decide what they pray to? Who gives you the right to force upon them what you think they should do? It's the same story, over and over. We have learned nothing! Freedom of Religion is in our first rights, and still people look for exceptions. Freedom of religion, except for rock worshippers. Got it.

WaldoLydeker, not just mad, sad too.

WaldoLydeker, i
t would be nice if they keep praying to the rock?🙄🙄

yeah, was taught that for YEARS! The damn American school system and their constant BS

Player #2181491
Player #2161211, me too!