A pulmonary embolism is a clot in which organ of the body?
Correct answer: Lung

Pulmon is Spanish for lung

Player #93460997
Yes, Wesley , God bless
Years ago my friend had surgery in her leg. She was 25 years old and they didn’t protect her with one of those leg moving machines . She dropped dead from a pulmonary embolism. Her husband found her on the floor . It was very tragic. They were so happy and young and had just bought a new house we’re going going to start a family . I cried for days .
Always move after surgery so you don’t get a clot . Shame on those doctors

I had a completely asymptomatic pulmonary embolism. taking medication now.

A lung Dr is a pulmonologist. I h Avent h ad a pulmonary embolism, but have had pneumonia several times. Each time I was told to continually get up and move to prevent PE. NEVER remain immobile for any length of time.

Player #140866160
Player #93460997, my father died from one, 19 days post op.

wesley, glad you’re doing well

Player #140866160, I'm so sorry.

poumon is lung in french

If there is a place on your leg that is painful, red, or hot, DO NOT rub or massage it. If it's a blood clot, rubbing can cause it to break loose and travel to the heart, lungs, or brain. Get to an ER quickly.

little b
my lungs are fine❤🤗