What was the name of Daedalus' son, the boy who flew too close to the sun?
Correct answer: Icarus

Player #1081396
just goes to show, sometimes dad's know what is safe

I love this game

Also an Iron Maiden song... 😊

The flight of Icarus, a song by Iron Maiden

Careful..... Icarus

Of course, we know now that the higher you get the colder it gets, so the wax in the wings wouldn't have melted; we also know that the air gets thinner, so Icarus may have jusy passed uot due to hypoxia; so, plausable

Anyone remember the video game, Kid Icarus? Think it was on Sega & one of the bosses would turn you into and eggplant

Also referenced in the song “The Squirming Coil” by my ultimate favorite band, Phish.

Player #66817220
AZR161412, Icarus: Borne on Wings of Steel, by Kansas. \m/

Player #66817220
Stacy, and a Kansas song. \m/

Stacy, also referenced in a Paul Kelly song.

Beelzebubba, dear, doncha think he might have made them out of carbon fiber if it had been available?

Player #3366575
Era Vulgaris, wasn't there a volcanic eruption or earthquake there?

Player #2126400
Doni, huh?