Where were Archduke Ferdinand and his wife assassinated, sparking the First World war?

Correct answer: Sarajevo

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Here is a summary of the chain of events: The assassination was carried out by a Serbian extremist group in Sarajevo, Bosnia, which was recently annexed by the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The assassination was part of a larger context of events that led to war, including:  Regional tensions The emergence of the alliance system Growing nationalism Increased militarism Imperial rivalry Competition for power and influence The assassination set off a chain of events that led to war in early August 1914. Here are some of the key events that led to war:  Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia: Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia on July 28, 1914, with German encouragement. Russia supports Serbia: Russia's support of Serbia brought France into the conflict. Germany declares war on Russia: Germany declared war on Russia on August 1. Germany declares war on France: Germany declared war on France on August 3. Britain joins the war: Britain joined the war on August 4, fearing German domination in Europe. The war soon became global because European nations had colonies around the world.
Technically, the assassination was just an excuse to retaliate with a very small war. The whole thing precipitated out of control due to various alliances and defense pacts/treaties the two sides had with various other countries around Europe, including Britain, France, Russia, eventually the USA, etc.