Which country celebrates the "Day of Dracula"?
Correct answer: Romania

Never heard of that and I am Romanian and I am 59 years old

Except this Witby society that invented this celebration is in UK not Romania.So not sure the questions is correct.Also, I'm Romanian and can guarantee we don't celebrate it

Samone, my boss is from Translavainia.

Player #25874027
This is weird!
Whatever else he is, Dracula is not a day person!!

A friend of mine is from Transylvania. He hates that people only associate his beloved land with Dracula. He says there is so much more than that and the land is beautiful. I always point out that the world also associates Frankenstein, Werewolfs, and probably The Mummy with Transylvania as well.

Mars V
Player #46115638, The book is the best.

Player #46115638
Player #68738491, Bela Lagosia was the first and best

Player #107135528
It's fake

Player #68738491
For the older people. I will say Christopher Lee..As Dracula.

AutumnalCrust12, And Halloween is ok???

Tnteresting, I have never heard of this.