Which two U.S Presidents held office during World War II?

Correct answer: Franklin D. Roosevelt and Harry Truman

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What people think about it: 23 Comments
Roosevelt was a great President. He won his first term by a landslide. Still the highest majority vote today. Sadly he almost never had the chance to pull us out of the depression and do many of the great things he did as a gunman while in Miami was intent on shooting him but was saved by a housewife and her handbag as he held the gun up and took aim she swung her purse hitting his arm from underneath going up to thwart his shots. Roosevelt was unharmed but sadly the Mayor of Chicago was hit and killed. The gunman was executed in Old Sparky 5 weeks later!
LoopyLynda74, why don't we know this woman's name? She is a heroine! Okay maybe not to the mayor but the point is she did what she thought was necessary to try and stop a murder.
Montana Lady
Montana Lady
Player #158499, Kudos to you for remembering the war AND learning to use a phone app! I lost my dad last month at 84, he couldn't even turn on a desktop computer and computer on my phone was like magic.
BrainDoc777, listening in school does too... just sayin :P
And the buck stopped there........
Both great men!
Player SQinfoNUTS
Player SQinfoNUTS
PointyDormouse60089, I know this because I used to listen to "the grown ups " talk. Spying? Maybe, but far more interesting than what the kids were doing.
Player nawa
Player nawa
PointyDormouse60089, my mom told me one of her chores was kneading the color into the white margarine.
Bryan Angelo
Bryan Angelo
Both Great Men
Truman was an amazing POTUS.
There is no period behind the "S" in Harry S Truman. It is not an abbreviation.
Dark Helmet 2, MLK Jr. was 15 years old when FDR died. I doubt he was counseling Presidents as a teenager.
FDR was the greatest
JohnKimble, I have an uncle and cousin named John Kimble
wesley, glad you said what you did about roosevelt.
Dark Helmet 2
Dark Helmet 2
Dr MLK Jr. pleaded with FDR to not send our good men over there to die while there were many things to fix in our own country. Sadly the vets that came home didn't get the care they needed and many to this day are homeless and terrorized. Why? So sad. The internment of the Japanese Americans was not a humane act to do also. There were might have been some helpful legislation come from his terms but you still must be critical of him and his politics.
Roosevelt also issued presidential executive order 9066, which incarcerated American -Japanese citizens. One of the camps is still open to the public near Parker, Arizona.
Player #58092313
Player #58092313
Player nawa, remember it well 🤣
stay classy
stay classy
LoopyLynda74, I did not know that! Thank you for the information.
Chase O.
Chase O.
LoopyLynda74, I've never heard of that story! That's for telling it! I'll have to check that out and read about it!
TapDance2014, True. Growing up that is the only Roosevelt reference I ever heard. It's a shame, a blot on an otherwise exemplary man.
Player SQinfoNUTS
Player SQinfoNUTS
GooeySprite1241983, You seem angry.
LoopyLynda74, unfortunately also he instituted US internment camps for Japanese American citizens.