Who was the Roman Governor of Judaea that ordered the crucifixion of Jesus Christ?
Correct answer: Pontius Pilate

Player #1010751
he did not order it.... he gave the decision to the people and washed his hands of the matter.... this question is wrong

Jesus gave his life no man could take it. read the bible

PerfectEnigma123, That is indeed true he gave up his life willingly

Player Meyer
Good to have a Bible question

HotKnight96981, I think AD stands for Anno Domini which means year of our Lord

Player #1010751, yes he gave the decision to the people but ultimately he had the power to stop it, at the end he gave the order of Jesus Cruxifiction after washing his hands.

Player #1010751, That's what I was going to say. God made the peoples hearts hard so that they would choose Jesus to die rather than the murderer because that was the way He wanted it to be so we could be forgiven for our sins. Jesus is the reason for the season

people, please, !!! ALL that happened, was meant to happen. Jesus was following God's will, at great sacrifice. All the other players...don't even matter !!! It was going to happen no matter what !!!! It was foretold, it was to be...Thanks be to Jesus !!!!! Amen

Athiest, Christian, Muslem, what ever your choice mutual respect is best.

GrandmaTanya, A.D. actually stands for Ano Diem: which translates from the Latin "year of our lord" and begins at Christ's birth not his death.
Thought you might like to know.

There is no historical evidence for JC, yet there is evidence for Pontius Pilate. There is zero historical evidence for Jesus anywhere. Just as there is no evidence for Solomon or David or any old testament stuff. The bible is a book of myth and legend, similar to a book of fairytales. It is not a history book.

Lady butterfly
Player #1010751, he washed his hands for show, but he ultimately did turn Jesus over to be crucified.

Player #82471489
VividPotion6704, does it also mean before Christ and after death?

Merlinda Taladro
He invented Washing of Hand or avoiding the RESPONSIBILITY that's on your shoulder BUT Ur The ONE WHO'S ON THE POSITION to do it& passing it on d ppl to AVOID being BLAMED if something gets WRONG... what a nice model👍❤️

was not pilot

Anime maker
Jesus love us that he made us.I always reading a Bible

pontius did not order the crucifixion of Jesus. He wash is hand of the matter, because of a dream his wife had and warned him. facts. read ur Bible
u r wrong. so I did not loose no point.

God knows more than people think k. I. sure is is looking down now and is totally disgusted with the way humans messed up. remember he knew about Sodom too and destroyed it. he will judge the living and the dead. Noone gets awY from him.

An what pain he went through for us.

Johne Monterola
Remember that Jesus is more powerful than the toxic sweats in Fortnite

Player #47438487
Jew for Yeshua, "out of the mouths of babes"!!!😊😇

There is one god Allah! What you guys keep saying that Jesus is this Jesus is that. Its all wrong. Jesus is Isa (AS). And i am very proud and happy to be a true muslim.

Player #38257323
to many people believe what the religious teach rather than what history proves

Player #25874027
HotKnight96981, No it doesn’t . Diem is related to the Latin for day as in per diem which relates to allowances paid per day.
A.D is Anno Domini. In the year of our Lord.
Thought you might need to know

Player #34818313
Player #1010751, and u were there were u?

Player #32567393
AnonymousDog10027, I
Cozzy 25,
Yes, perfect enigma & anonymousDog, you’re both right.

Fun guy
saw 'jesus Christ superstar' remembered it all: great movie, ...

Player #30532233
Player Shaker, Faith !
Leelo, I think it was a thought provoking question. Maybe make people think and question?
monkeyhanger1964, Good for you! Learning is learning!
Mark 15:1-15.

I’m an atheist but I enjoy reading/learning about all religions

Nikkie, Jesus said I AND MY FATHER ARE ONE.
The Holy Trinity is 3 in 1, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Also, The Gospels tell us He is God. God came from heaven in the flesh, born of a virgin and dwelled among us.
Jesus is God. He is Holy, Sovereign, Perfect, sinless.
And the very important
reason He came, He tells us this: No one comes to God the Father except by Me. I and My Father are ONE.

Player #1010751, ...and, that is to say the game is wrong; you are right.

Player #1010751, Get the facts, read the Book. It's in the 4 Gospels.

I read "The Robe", by Lloyd C. Douglas. A beautiful book about those years.

Golden, God the Father gave His only son.

Player #11503902, Nope; look it up.