Who won the most Grammy Awards by a male artist in one night?
Correct answer: Michael Jackson

He was a talented artist. It was a trajedy he died like he did.

Player #138447
sad,story that his childhood was taken away.. excellent entertainer

He is and always will be the best PERIOD , no one can ever do it like him he was the jack of all trades , he opened the doors for so many , made so many without him it wouldnt be alot of you guys fav artist out here . He is a legend and icon fashionist humanitarian most noninated won most grammys oscars awards sooo much and so talented in dance beatboxing acting music producing directing great friend family role model the BEST of the BEST ❤️❣️💖💞💝💘💕💙💚💛🧡

Player #2870888, Very sad, I believe was a kind person shy and misjudged by alot of people

I'm a white lady who is very proud to say that I was and still am a huge M.J. fan. He helped me with his music to get me through my very awkward teenage years. I give him huge credit for starting my love of music. Love Ya Michael!!

grew up with his music love him miss him

he was an amazing talented man. Did things we never knew were possible. sadly missed.

Player #2975280
best dancer and singer ever

Player #2018
Have all his solo Albums. Truly a great entertainer despite the negative in his personal life. Miss a lot.

bye felicia
MICHEAL JACKSON will always and 4ever be KING OF POP!!!!💞

marimargo, No more than anybody else's. He was a pedophile and a zillionaire. I see little to pity.

Giggle Pig
ILOVEMiGee, except for Elvis.

Carlos Santana also had eight Grammys in 2000

Minamontana2418, no one molested kids like him either. Such class and high standards

WitchiePoo60, when did he first do the moonwalk?

Leon , my high school was right behind there house.

Kiki , i love you Micheal Jackson rest in peace

who else would it be? we miss you!

He was also a pedophile.

I love you Micheal Jackson Rest in Peace

OfficiousOrthodoxy10, le let's not forget his love of animals too thank you

Michael Jackson was an extremely talented person. It's such a shame he lost his childhood to the wants of his family and the entertainment industry. I'm sure he would have accomplished a lot on his own at his own pace.
I wonder how many of his troubles can be attributed to his life's circumstances.

His talent and musical genius cannot erase his depravity.

Bruno Mars and him are twins for sure or bruno is his son

So very talented
But what a very sick and tragic a life

Misty Fonseca
I met Michael Jackson back in 1994 I was invited to Neverland Ranch. It was and will be the best day of my life!

RIP Michael so so missed

Melissa, Twenty-five years of allegations of pedophilia don't come from nowhere. He always had young boys at his ranch and in his bed. He claimed it was all innocent and pure. The abuse excuse doesn't cut it for pedophiles.

Man that was a tough one

Hooster58, I remember the day Michael Jackson died I was at work and I heard customers talking about it I had to walk away because I wanted to break down and cry 😢

I met him before

Such a Great Entertainer and Philanthropist.

Betsy, me too. the first record I owned was Thriller

I'm a 23 year old woman and I'm proud to say that I'm a Michael Jackson fan! MJ will forever be The King Of Pop and will forever be iconic!

Player #113074164
Minamontana2418, Prince was great, too. I like them both. Iconic in their own lanes.

My high school was right behind there house.

He first moon walked at a concert when he sang Billie Jean. Fans went nuts.

I CAN'T BELIEVE I MISSED THIS!! 😢 My pfp looks like M.J!

OfficiousOrthodoxy10, his parents and that religious cult surely did a number on him . . He got so messed up

Betsy, My favorite song was Man in the Mirror.