Where did Thomas Jackson earn the nickname Stonewall?
Correct answer: The First Battle of Bull Run (First Manassas)

I don't believe history should be re-written ( or statues torn down) for anyone. The South had their heros as well as the North. History should be the truth and not changed with the times.

Player #695903
this man taught black children how to
read & write...now they want to tear down statues of him

Player #4055721
its part of our history, its part of all of us. the good, bad, and the ugly. still our story, it's US.

I love history! we should learn from the past

Mo B. Richard, not the same thing. they were all Americans in the civil war and when the South lost we welcomed them back as citizens. and since then North and South have fought side by side against Hitler and anyone else who jeopardizes liberty. Yes you owe your freedom to soldiers from the whole country. In case you forgot we are all called the United States of America!!

Player #4250921
Think Tank, That being said, I still have respect for Stonewall Jackson and disapprove the tearing down of Confederate statues.

tjacks, why are so many of you equating Americans with communists and terrorists?? You owe your freedom to people from every state. If you're so threatened by something which happened 150 years ago then try living in these oppressed nations. You will appreciate this country and it's heritage a whole lot more!!

Player Darius
ElsaBloominthal2nd, How very right you are. There is far to much of "this offends me so it shouldn't be" in the world today.

Player #20394244
ElsaBloominthal2nd, I agree, the Civil War is a huge story in our country's history. It angers me that tear down statues and use the excuse that it's racist.

irreplaceable. a northerners but I agree, I'm sick and tired of people in this country designating our national monuments and statues. I don't care if they are confederate or union. they were put there to honor the officers and soldiers fighting for either side. not all of it was about slavery.

ElsaBloominthal2nd, I don't believe in slavery or racism and feel that shouldn't be celebrated. Bless your heart for for standing up for both!

Player #10620731
Player #695903, and you that eclipses the much bigger picture?? don't be ridiculous!

Giggle pig
Player #695903, Stonewall Jackson was definitely a great man.

Hawken, so true! But they don't see it.

Player #4250921, but there are an awful lot of people voting their way into slavery today.

Player #susanB
Gary, The Southern states were not welcomed back. They were punished financially. Remember legal confiscation of private land. High taxes and fees aimed at Southern .businesses. Political Carpetbaggers etc . No we were punished real good

Player SuzieCrmChees
Think Tank, you want to be a well treated slave.......thought not.

Player #4055721, great wording on your part...amen & thanks for your input.

ElsaBloominthal2nd, I totally agree.

He was accidentally shot by his own men and even though they amputated his arm he still died of his wounds in 1863. He died before the Gettysburg and Vicksburg campaigns.

Player #5554324
Think Tank, there were riots in NYC when the free white males were told that the slaves that Lincoln freed were headed north ,. BUT there was no walk at the border.. sound familiar...

Player #4250921
Think Tank, Whatever helps you sleep at night, it was still slavery and freedom was its opposite. No one ever tried to escape into slavery.

Player #326446, you are full of it

Diver Dan, you know nothing about about history

If you do not learn from history, then it is bound to repeat.