On what date did the space shuttle Challenger explode?
Correct answer: January 28, 1986

Very sad day for us all.

why do we remember/talk about only the teacher that died???bet very few people remember the name of the other brave heros. now that's sad too

I still remember that day. I cried my eyes out. Such a huge loss. Sadly we would have an even bigger lost that was televised which was 9/11

SeptumSweetie1976, 42 is not old. I'm 66 and I don't think I'm old. lol

ZealousJelly5831, I was fortunate to meet one of those brave heros, 3rd in the back row. His name was Greg Jarvis. He was from Hermosa Beach, CA, worked at Hughes Aircraft. I met him on Xmas, one month before his flight. He was so excited....

The Beach Gal
MamaBearTorJar0999, I always wondered how this affected the many children who were watching, a very impacting event, sad for all.

Ben's Girl
I remember the day this happened. We were watching it live on TV. I remember taking seemingly an endless breath and the tears streaming down my face. It was a shocking, gut wrenching moment that I will never forget. I was 20 yrs old at the time.

The worst part.. seeing it over and over all through the day on the news..
I remember that day so clearly.. god bless them..

We were watching it in class when it happened

Player #11503902
Player lilith666, It was the second or third day, that NASA was advised not to launch, due to the O rings, but the scientists were ignored that day and the disaster occurred a few seconds after the launch. Viewers had already begun to take NASA for granted, so NASA believed they had a lot of future funding on the line,with their teacher into space program. Their greed and fear caused their refusal to again post pone the launch.

I remember other names: Ellison Onizuka and Ron McNair. A horribly bad day for this country. I’m tearing up 🥲 even now as I write this. To this day, I have a love/hate relationship with NASA because of this event and other safety mistakes. People, space is a dangerous place. Do ALL the safety checks and repeat as needed.

Tara Tippy.
Sad day 😔

I was on a 12 hr night shift & my 8 yr old daughter was at home sick resting beside me. We always felt close to the space program. My little girl woke me up crying & saying " Look, Mom, the Challenger exploded.

A date that will live in tragedy. I remember watching it live. Then I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I was so depressed. Why didn't they have a number of parachutes to deploy in case of catastrophic failure?!

Yes because Ronald McNair was my cousin.

Someone thought it would be a memorable experience to have all of us young kids throughout the whole country gathering around a tv at school that day so she could teach all of us a lesson from space... That was a tough lesson that I would've liked to have learned when I was a bit older...

I still remember, I was only 11 years old. I started looking at the world differently after that

salliesmom33, i

salliesmom33, wasn't the Challenger explosion being televised live also? I remember seeing it in a patient's hospital room....we were all confused initially, then horrified. Very sad days.

ZealousJelly5831, amen! 🙏🏽

My school had us all in the gym to watch it. They sent us home early that day

lucky me, my birthday

ZealousJelly5831, agreed. I knew Ellison Onizuka and his family as he worked with my Dad for years.

Patsy 66
GolfnBill, indeed 😪

I was in the 4th grade when it happened. I cried my eyes out. it was devastating 😢 💔. I was in Van Buren, Arkansas at J.J. Izzard elementary.

the temperature was just a few degrees lower than what they had tested the o-rings to withstand, but decided to go anyway.

ZealousJelly5831, I was thinking that same thing, all on broad are just as important,, very sad day for all the families,,

ConiferousArtist4935, 42 was a very good age. Now at 82 I'm starting to feel old. Spirit is not going with the body age.

Player #48181776
I was standing on the beach watching the whole thing. people had radios and all they were saying was that there had been a major malfunction. terrible, never forget it. the whole space coast community went into a depressed state.

Sadly happened on my birthday when I was in school, so I never forget.

Player Quitos, I remember her 7(?) year old daughter didn't want her to go!
I wonder how she is today....so sad for her and her family.

Player #35297192
Player Quitos, my first dreamt job as a child.

ZealousJelly5831, Ron McNair was one of the scientists on board. I used to drive through his hometown on the way to work for about 6 years.

I remember this day well, even though I was only in the 3nd grade. My teacher ran over and turned the TV off and sent us to the gym for recess. we had no clue what we just watched or understood it for many years.

Player #48281894
Player #41319297, that is slck

Player #45470958
A day full of emotion since I was an applicant for the Teacher in Space Program

Jesse Tello
I was at school watching it on TV when this happened, very very 😥 sad !!!!!

Player #32705948
My mother's birthday was 1/ 28 / and my cousin had his firstborn on that day

Player #41319297
ZealousJelly5831, Great point!

Player #32828331
I remember entering a thrift store and seeing the explosion on one of their TV. Some things you don't forget.