What do all comets have in common?
Correct answer: Tail orientation

Player #326446, So AWESOME to see one. I saw Haley’s Comet back in 85 I think. Bit it was a Dud. Maybe it will be more Brilliant next time around, but I probably won’t be here to see it, but it would be nice if I was.

My best memories of comets were Hale Bopp in 1995 and Hyakutake in 1996. I was in the French Alps at the time. Both were very bright, very big and lasted for a long time. Fantastic and unforgettable. ☄️

every, comet actually exhibits all four of the answers. but velocity, temperature and chemical composition are unique to each comet. tail orientation is the correct answer because every comet always has its tail oriented away from the sun.

Discmandave, Yes, also they all have a temperature and a chemical composition. However, I doubt that they are all the same

I think they all have velocity too