Where was William McKinley assassinated?

Correct answer: Buffalo, New York

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What people think about it: 16 Comments
Theodore Roosevelt went on to become one of our greatest Presidents as was his cousin Franklin Roosevelt who got us through the great depression as well as world war II.
Player #1081396
Player #1081396
the third of four president's to be assassinated. what a shame
my hometown! so much history here related to McKinley assassination. Theodore Roosevelt inauguration
2gameORnot2game4mE, you must be one of those youngsters who believe the pack of progressive lies about how us old folks are cheating you out of your something, when it is those very 'progressive' socialist Democrats who have pillaged SS over and over to fund their giveaways in exchange for votes. Tammany Hall all over again. Those who ignore history, or worse, REWRITE it, are doomed to repeat it.
Gary, Franklin was awful...made a deal with the devil(Stalin) 1943 peace treaty...cost us the cold war...He has not brought the us out of the depression..the Marshall plan did..he also placed 120k of his own citizens in concentration camps for 3+ years..ask any elderly Japanese people on the west coast..
JustBreath, it's possible to be a popular president with a reassuring message needed for the times, yet implement terrible policies that have negative repercussions today.
Truly a diverse set of opinions about this historical event as a black man I view this event as a COMPLETE dynamic turn of EVENTS Teddys Roosevelt going after big biz with a vengeance the complete opening of the National Parks system His cousin Franklin was the right MAN for a turbulent time the gambles he took was worth the angst but his biggest mistake was the overreaction of Pearl Harbor n the Japanese Internment was a SHAME which taints his Presidency!!
Guillermo Jr.
Guillermo Jr.
Abraham Lincoln's son was just outside when McKinley was shot..
Player #Muffy2214
Player #Muffy2214
szlovi, Plus thousands of German Americans and Italian Americans. Oh what the educators don't teach us.
szlovi, the dome he was shot under is in the woods behind the former Perrysburg Psych Center
Liz, other American presidents who served in combat include Washington, Harrison, Grant, Eisenhower, JFK, and George H.W. Bush.
Organic Dude
Organic Dude
McKinley would not have died if he had received adequate medical care for his wound.
Player #4917108
Player #4917108
Sorry, people, wrong President..... What a fool I am.
Player #4917108
Player #4917108
The assassination happened in Washington DC and DIED in Longbranch NJ. Went to Monmouth University. So, you know, FACTS!
szlovi, if he was so horrible then why is he the only president to have been elected to more than only two terms? One should not try to re-write history.
town01, Electric chair for the shooter.