What is/are some perks of Queen Elizabeth ll of England?
Correct answer: All of the choices are correct

Credo ergo sum., i think William will be king. Not Charles as people still havent forgiven him for fooling around with that Ugly witch Camilla behind Dianas back. i think it would make Diana and a lot of people happy if William was king.

FrozenEldrich44618, If you did not have the Queen and her family; the tourism would decline drastically thereby affecting the economy of the country! They also have effects on the many charities that they support.

Dragonlady, Prince Charles is ill-equipped to fill the figurehead role of king after his despicable treatment of Lady Diana

LittleDucky52, You've clearly never been to Scotland where you can regularly see dolphins off the coast.

Player #1137636, The Queen doesn't claim a personal right to own the Mute swans.(or the dolphins) The British Crown, (broadly speaking, the British Monarchy and Government) claim ownership of all unmarked Mute swans on open water.
During the month of July, there is a ceremony called swan upping, taking place between Sunbury-on-Thames and Abingdon-on-Thames.
All the unmarked mute swans(cygnets) on this part of the Thames are caught and ringed by three teams (if you will) of "Swan Uppers" representing The British Crown and two corporations, The Vintners and the Dyers (wine merchants and cloth dyers, for those who don't know)
Before anyone gets upset and outraged by wild birds being caught this way, I'll point out that British mute swans are used to very close contact with people and are only angry at the indignity.
They are counted, health checked, and released. Nowadays, this is the only reason for catching them, though it is done in a very ceremonial way and is a tourist attraction.
The birds caught by the British Crown's Swan Master are monitored by the British Trust for Ornithology for the rest of their lives.
So please, get your facts straight, before commenting.

Player #3906185
Player #1137636, they are kept from being caught in fishing nets. they I am sure have the best medical care at the very least and probably well fed. I see no problems in the Queen having pets who get the best of the best. it's not like she dresses them in designer pet clothes. they are just protected.

Mike Olson
they almost have done away with the monarchy a couple times but the people want to keep it

Player #3906185
adams101313, not really strange if you truly love swans and dolphins. She has the best kept anamials ever. She doesn't hide them an she seems to enjoy just being around them. she see that no harm comes to them. I ts a win,win

Wish she could sack the British parliament

god bless the queen

zouhour, weird flex but ok

johanassy, so if a zoo in English gets a dolphin, who pays for it

imaginedigong, she is also a patron seafars.

Player #63425164, the queen has died

Athena , not sure she owns all the swans

Bo, It's a moot point not mute, unless, of course, you meant it had been silenced.

not sure she owns all the swans

HarleyMidgeyMom95., Charles III, so there.

It's absolutely baffling to me that our head of state is still the king or queen of England. The archaic tradition of monarchies shouldn't exist outside of the country that the monarchy resides in.

Sheila, everyone noticed this. These questions are made by random players, and still they’re consistent in their lack of imagination.
You know what else stands out? When in doubt, tap the longest answer. It’s absurd.

Player #120374466, Yes, Charles is the current king but he has cancer so Prince William will be soon.

Are these perks hereditary to the next King?

Player #120374466
Someone needs to update this question. The queen has been dead for a few years and Charles is King. The world is changing fast and I don't know how the monarchy will be tolerated the family is an expensive upkeep

I also met her! What an exciting day! It was a New York City around the time when she was getting a divorce. When she began to change her clothes, and her old uptight appearance .She came in to Henri Bendel’s on fifth Avenue to buy some make up. She seemed very nice, but didn’t really speak. She had a lady in waiting… What a great experience.

“ god save the Queen” is really mute at this point. there are a lot of other people that need to be saved!!!

There's no Lizzie now!

It should be what "WAS" the perks. Quizzland please update

she's also deceased, so none of this is now true.

The monarch…..another hoax…full of corruption….! Wake up people!!!

heroic aardvark
Player #1137636, its very presumptous to own nature, protect it for sure, but that owning thing is a throwback to the self entitled colonial gig

heroic aardvark
Sandyberry, this is called discussion

heroic aardvark
Sandyberry, such a downer

I didn't know this..now my question is she pass away that means her son prince Charles inherited everything she had..I didn't know how powerful she was

Maggie Mae
HarleyMidgeyMom95., Oops! Time has proved you wrong!

Gerald &Estie Anderson
I did meet Lady Di but did not want to meet chuck

Lady Wolf Moon
As of this past Saturday they are now
The perks of King Charles III.

HarleyMidgeyMom95., camilla is doing a fantastic job. at least she makes him happy.

HarleyMidgeyMom95., clearly you got that wrong then. Charles will be crowned King in May, to huge popular support.

Queen Elizabeth II served from 1952 to 2022 as reigning monarch of the United Kingdom and numerous other realms and territories, as well as head of the Commonwealth, 53 sovereign nations that includes many former British territories. They were thieves. Her adulterous, son is now King Charles III. Morals &Values-zero

HarleyMidgeyMom95., I'm from the future, Charles is king