What is another name(s) for Actinic Cheilitis?
Correct answer: Both choices are correct

Player #3325307
There's a sunscreen lip balm to help protect the lips from long exposures in the sun.

Player #2047250
penawareof, Sun block and a hat would be more use. Lots of outdoor workers get cancer on the top of their ears too.

USE SUNSCREEN!!! I'm 46 and have stage 3 metastatic melanoma. I've had 5 surgeries, 8 months of immunotherapy, 14 miserable months of targeted oral chemo. I'll have PET scans and MRIs every few months for the rest of my life. I don't want your sympathy, but I do want you to sunscreen your children. PLEASE!!!

penawareof, because they don't think it could happen to them. I fight my husband all summer long telling him to put on sunscreen and protect his skin. my dad's already had a cancer scare with his skin. thank God my husband got an inside job. at least he won't be out in the sun for hours on end. so darn frustrating!!

Player mj88
My mother was diagnosed and treated for this type of cancer. She now has no tongue and eats from a feeding tube. Scary stuff! Sunscreen always!

Player #8937977
AtavisticCentaur6626, I've been playing this for some time now. I have 95-100% on every game w/o the need to act as tho we don't don't get a easy shot, once in a while! Try to just give helpful comments that add to, not detract from a great game, ok? Thanks.

Still informative

Whenever there is all answers are correct option...
it's always the right answer

AtavisticCentaur6626, they most likely do this to make sure you know ALL that it can mean. So it's not a matter of points, but a matter of knowledge for us

sounds like it could also be called "Outdoor Person Lip"

Beware owners of outdoor cats with white ears - this can happen to them too. Probably also could happen to similar horses and dogs

Player mj88, Wow that is so sad and crazy. May God bless you all.

Scotti, thanks for the information and God bless you and your health

Player #120374466
Player mj88, So sorry for you mother. Yes sunscreen is essential and hats

I met a woman in Virginia whose skin resembled leather. Ugh... I wonder how she didn't develop skin cancer. Maybe she did, idk. But it certainly wasn't attractive like most women's skin.

adams101313, just screen radiation from the computer 💻

Player #2047250, If more people wore hats, that would help a lot. Sunscreen also, but you have to keep re-applying it. I have had seven basal cell skin cancers removed so far, all on my face, but so far none on my lips.

Farmers & and fishermen that are now in their 60-80's are suffering from this. Lipbalm, hats, sun glasses, etc. we not pushed to be used back then. Dr's & Scientists had no idea back then, what was causing lip cancer.

Player #3325307, A French kiss is the relieve of all Lip problems

There’s also such a thing as Sailor’s knee. Strange names given. Luv this games.

Never heard of it being about the sun. Flute players get it too.

Scotti, thank you for caring about others, you are a hero. Sadly, some men just won’t listen.

Red England
Scotti, hi Scotti, as a very fair blue eyed redhead lve always had to be VERY careful about sunscreen but can’t believe how many people still don’t take it seriously-especially as there is so much advise everywhere now & virtually every shop sell sunscreen. I wish u well with yr illness & hope u continue to share in the hope that it saves other people from the same plight, God Bless

the lip is pink

adams101313, you're so right! Many older men I know have cancers - often very dangerous ones - on their lips, ears and the top of their head. Women are mostly sensible about hats and sunscreen but young men - including my sons - continue to get burnt working out of doors in the summer because it's "girly" to wear sun protection. Sigh!

Maame Yaa
adams101313, that's a good advice

Maame Yaa
is it related harmattan,what happens to the mouth

Scotti, I'm 51 and never had skin cancer also worked in the sun all my life never used sunscreens and I grew up in Southern Arizona. no wrinkles or dry skin on me. just crowsfeet and I've met 28 year Olds with them. so I honestly think that it's predetermined by our families

something new I acknowledged upper lip is farmer's lip and lower lip is sailor lip

Player #9394945
I have a hack…usually the one with the most information is correct and when it says all answers are correct, that’s the answer

I love Knowledge so do I Quizzland

Player #52953223
I didn't know that

KrazyKind, not everything is for the purpose.

Sonny Vistan
I didn't know lips developed cancerous nerves from sunburn

what is the purpose of the question??!!!🧐

Player #41214497
Tom, They look like "farmers daughter" lips.Gross!!!

Player #25874027
Player #8937977, 92% on your stats , awesome, well done

I'd like to see a question where it says all correct be wrong