What famous play begins at Elsinore Castle in Denmark?
Correct answer: Hamlet

Player #2342698
love Shakespear!! He ROCKED!!

* Seshati *, nah preferred sir Laurence Olivier version thanks

* Seshati *
Apologies for typos I try to read before commenting but the blooming things always happen lol oh & forget to mention in comment prior to posting. I wonder how many people on here liked Mel Gibson’s Hamlet it seems like forever ago now but was quite a popular film when released.

* Seshati *
Ophelia the film with Clive Owen, Naomi Watts & George McKay was actually so much better than I was expecting, visually especially it starts off panning our from Ophelia in the water by one of my fav artists it’s well done a feast for the eyes. With costuming, drapery & set design etc well it was for me :)