How old was Rosanna Della Corte when she gave birth to a baby boy?

Correct answer: 62

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What people think about it: 31 Comments
My grandmother raised me, and went home to be with her Lord at 76 when I was 16. She was tough but gentle. I remain grateful for her strength morals and responsibility and I could go on and on. I loved her dearly.
Teresa Mcdowell, weirdly nobody questions whether older men are ok raising a child in their 50,60,70s!
Heartland Old Guy
Heartland Old Guy
Real good question. Creates a lot of good thought and discussion. Yes there are moral implications involved, especially about government involvement in personal matters. My mother and step father took on a small child after the age of 70, and raised a level headed young person, so it can be done. Can everybody do that? Probably not. I am over 65, and I am pretty sure I can't.
Player #544439, Reproductive rights??? I am an American woman and if I want to reproduce, I will. As for the "child bearing age" portion of the answer discussion, any woman who is premenopausal is able to bear children. In my opinion, no government should have any say
I wouldn't want to have a child that late in life and having health problems to deal with too.
So, it's wrong for her to have a child at her age. but, Octo-mom can have 14 with no means to raise them. That ok?
Player #20429201
Player #20429201
in my experience there is a difference between mums who want to be a mum and are ready for it vs mum who become mums. every woman is different, old or young, but it's all about quality not quantity. for instance I know young mums (like my sister) who became mum rather than wanting to be a mum (like my mum who had triplets) point is, a mum at 60 may have quality over mums at 20 (quantity)
Heartland Old Guy
Heartland Old Guy
As to the other discussion about who was the oldest, don't keep calling the Bible a novel. That is your opinion, not mine, and not a lot of peoples'. So just because you don't believe, stop putting down people who do! And, oh, by the way, we Christians (Bible believers) will continue to pray for you whether you want it or not!
Player #1447885
Player #1447885
Teresa Mcdowell, each to their own
To each his own. I personally would not want to be having a baby at 62, It's hard enough being a grandmother at about this age.
Let people do what they want.. there are more worse things in life than having kids at a later age. .. how old were biblical persons back in the day,
If a woman has the means and love and desire to have a child, then she should have as many as she wants. Conversely if a woman does NOT want a child, then she should not be forced to do so.
EliteLawyercat57024, good for you
cerebralgym, just because nobody questions it doesn't mean they approve of it!
Apparently, the oldest woman to give birth naturally (without ivf) was a British woman aged 59.
So men can continue to have children without restrictions, but the women that actually take care of them are restricted
Mei Ling , I was 49 when my daughter was born, she is 14 now
Mei Ling
Mei Ling
cerebralgym, ya my dad was 49 when I was born.
Mustafa Hamid
Mustafa Hamid
the correct answer is 63, I don't know why it's 62 here
toe jam
toe jam
when he turned 18yrs, she turned 80yrs. 0ld enough to be his grandmother.
Was this an in vitro pregnancy?
Player #14000764
Player #14000764
TheAngieIshmael, with Abraham and Sarah they were promised a child by God and God allowed them to grow old to have a child, to demonstrate his power
Player #36810933
Player #36810933
Angela, very valid point
How many men have fathered a child when they were well over sixty?
RabidLunatic76300, . .... you all mind your own business!!!!
Player #3833664
Player #3833664
Baby had no daddy?!?! Wen ask about daddy wonder what answer will be
Lady V, those fingers again......old men!
Lady V, does that apply to all the old. enjoy who still reproduce?
Player #3613674Green
Player #3613674Green
ItchyGuitarist5108, I guess you are a non believer. God help you. I'm praying for you.
Lady V
Lady V
I find it utterly selfish to put your needs over that of a child. Her child will have to deal with a geriatric lady very early in life which will bring all sorts of troubles in his life that no teenager should have to deal with.
ItchyGuitarist5108, all i can say to 5108 God bless you and keep you safe.