All organic compounds contain which element?

Correct answer: Carbon

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Uncle Jimmy
Uncle Jimmy
Lionessa, Fabulous explanation and truly amazing!
When a star burns it's hydrogen fuel through nuclear fusion, it creates helium. When it runs out of hydrogen to burn, it starts to fuse helium. When three helium nuclei collide and fuse, they create Carbon, which is in all living things. We truly are made of stardust. We are a part of the universe, not apart from it.
wesley, up until the last century, food grew in b the ground with only the chemicals that occurred naturally. Then scientists and big business wanted to "improve " the food that nature made. Make it bigger, grow faster, better texture and color and supposedly more nutritious. So all kinds of chemicals were put into fertilizers and water to accomplish the desired result. But our bodies don't need these chemicals to be healthy. So to sum it up, organic food is grown without all the additives, the way nature intended. Organic is not the same as natural. Arsenic and lead occur naturally in nature, but you don't want them in your food. Hope this helps.
I could never understand why some foods in the stores are called organic while others are not.
I believe that we will find a planet whose life is NOT based on Carbon but Silicon.
Player #25874027
Player #25874027
Carbohydrates: carbon , hydrogen oxygen . The stuff gets everywhere!
Carbon - basis in all organics.