In which country is the tourist destination of Grindelwald located?
Correct answer: Switzerland
Player #25874027, I can't tell if your being sarcastic or not? But since I can't tell I'll explain that "Grindlewald" is also the name of a character in the Harry Potter universe aka "The Wizarding World". Grindlewald was the dark wizard that tried to take over the world before Voldemort. His reign roughly coincided with the muggle "Great War" more commonly known as "World War I"
The movie "The Crimes of Grindlewald" takes place around that time whilst he was being hunted and captured. As well as the side stories of various other characters that lived in the "Fantastic Beasts Era" of the Wizarding World.
I wasn't certain if it was Austria or Switzerland. Thank God for life lines.
The mountains remind me of Switzerland
Megan , its so nice to find Potter heads like you in this game and on the internet... it lights up my day!
Megan , it's so nice to find Potterheads! it lights up my day!
is good for us to get more lesson study ☺️☺️☺️☺️
Nigel H, a great geography lesson.
Cat Mom
Sounds like it's in the clouds and I don't like heights lol
Sounds (and looks) like a place from The hobbit or The lord of the rings
It's easy
Player #25874027
Apparently a hotbed of crime : there’s even a film about it !